Saturday, June 28, 2008

Triangle Spring Rolls

Evy has been asking for my seaweed spring roll. Every time she sees my blog and saw the seaweed picture at the title of my blog, she has been asking, "Mommy, I want to eat that, can you make it again?". After numerous requests from her, I finally made her some. Reason being I tried to stay away from deep-fried food if I can, deep-fried food is delicious but can't really eat it too often. This time instead of the wontan wrapper, I used the spring roll wrapper and make it into the triangle shape. I provided a step-by-step pictures guide for those who doesn't know how it was made. Remember to seal it with cornstarch+water mixture (it acts as a glue).

As for my recipe, it's really simple.


Ground pork
Chopped Scallion/green onion

Chopped carrot

White pepper


Chinese cooking wine

Sesame oil

1 nori sheet (for making sushi), cut into squares as shown above

Spring roll wrappers (use as needed)

Cornstarch + water mixture (as glue)


1. Marinate the ground pork, carrot and scallion with the above seasoning for an hour (keep in refrigerator).

2. Cut each spring roll wrapper into three long pieces.
Place one piece on a cutting board. Put a nori sheet on top, place some marinated pork filling on top, add another piece of nori and brush the spring roll all over with the glue. Wrap the spring roll as shown above.

3. Deep-fry the spring roll in medium heat hot oil until golden brown and filling is cooked through. Serve with Thai sweet chili sauce or tomato ketchup.


  1. Yummy snacks....yr spring roll wrapper looks very papery thin, like those for vietnames spring rolls but its difficult to find it here.

  2. look good!! your post make me wanna some too like Evy!!hahaha!!.I think with triangel shape they call samosa rite?.

  3. I want pick them....yummmm, yours in triangle form look great!

  4. wow this is made so simple by look and reading your recipe! fantastic!

  5. Nice change to using spring roll wrappers. I can't find spring roll wrappers here too. That's why I have not been re-doing such deep fried snacks.

  6. LOVE these....but would you mind resubmitting to TasteSpotting with the photo cropped to exactly how you want it to appear 250x250? the cropper is cutting your picture off too far over....

  7. oh gorgeous, nearly like samosas!! Will definitely be trying these

  8. Yum! Love this. Deep-fried food is always very hard to resist, ya? :)

  9. Really Sweet Jasmine? This brand is Spring Home and is actually manufactured in Singapore.

    Beachlover, I thought samosa filling has to have curry powder and potato in it?

    Thanks Retno! :)

    Thanks BBOven! :)

    Tigerfish, funny that they don't have it in HK, perhaps you can sell it there? ;)

    Done that TasteSpotting, thanks!

    Thanks Rachel. It's triangle like samosa but samosa is not wrap like this, it will be too thick.

    Yes blur mommy, very hard to resist!

  10. This looks like samosa. anything frying with eggroll skin I love it!

  11. That looks lovely, C. Love the step-by-step.

  12. I just love this kind of snack. Now you make me want to make some too :)

  13. Never thought to put seaweed into samosas! Sounds like yummy! Thanks for the inspiration!

  14. Dwiana, me too! Looks like samosa but it's not. :)

    Thanks D!

    G, go make some lah. This was what I made when I saw your spring rolls. :)

    You're welcome CY. But this is not samosa. Samosa is Indian snack that contains potatoes, onion, chili and spices. Mine just shape like it but completely Chinese!

  15. hi LCOM..
    the step by step guide looks great!!!
    i tried baking the spring roll pastry and they turned out quite crispy too...15 mins at around 180 C..
    but it was a different shape...dun think triangles would work as well.. :)

  16. Thanks ioyces. I haven't tried baking with spring roll wrapper yet. Must be interesting.

  17. Very nice step by step pictorial guide. I should try adding nori in my spring rolls too. I tend to use beaten egg to stick the wrappers.

  18. hopping here..from have nice blog :D :D...wanna x-change link with me ???

  19. Hi Kang Boim,
    Thanks for dropping by. I only exchange link on food related English blog only as I don't read Indonesian. Sorry ya!

  20. Hi little corner of mine,
    Just asking, nori is definitely made of seaweed, right?
    A friend said she read a "documentary" on that sushi seaweed wrapper is made of seeds and sesame and is ground up and flattened. I Personally think that this is wrong, since i used to own a sushi shop.


  21. Yes Annie, from my understanding nori is made of seaweed.


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