Friday, June 27, 2008

Excellent Award

I would like to say a big THANK YOU again to Rainbows for awarding me with this Excellent Award. Now I would love to pass it to:

Lily's Wai Sek Hong
Soy and Pepper
Beachlover's Kitchen
Camemberu - Blogging Food from Singapore, Malaysia and Japan!

for the excellent job they did and still do on their blogs, great job ladies!!


  1. Hello Little corner of mine, was putting my 6 cents over at Sweet Jasmine's place noticed your cute callsign.
    Wow, you too a gourmet cook.
    You know Lady, there is no spectacle on earth more appealing than that of a beautiful woman in the act of cooking dinner for someone she loves.
    I love your glazed chicken.

    Re cooking, I was a happy guy young days, making many girls happy instead of one...till a lovely lady laid a trap for me...thru cooking. She couldn't cook too, but took a crash course from her Nonya and Malay friends...thus I lost my bachelor's degree.
    And today, she not a Nonya, but her Nonya dishes, especially her sambal belachan is out of this world, ha ha.
    How not to sayang her...35 years too, ha ha.
    You keep well and have a nice weekend, Lee.
    ps, love your selection of songs.

  2. Hi U.Lee,
    Thanks for dropping by. Those selection of songs are by Sweet Jasmine, I don't have song in my blog. :) So, a great cook can really capture a man's heart is really true eh? ;)

  3. Thanks for the award!! Love it!xoxoxo!!

  4. cool this is so cool! congratulation to you all ladies you did so well!

  5. Oops I came by a long time ago but just realised I forgot to comment! Thanks so much for the award, it was very sweet of you :)


Hi, welcome to my blog and thanks for taking your time to leave me a comment. ^o^ Truly appreciated!