Friday, May 09, 2008


We are postponing our trip to Sentosa Island until the end of May. In case you don't know, all Malaysian get to pay half price at Sentosa on May 23rd - June 30th. Just show your Malaysian passport at the ticketing counter. We can even pay the equivalent prices in Ringgit! What a great deal!

The weather here is actually not too bad, lots of rain and thus not very hot. We haven't encountered the mosquito problem yet, thanks God. Guess what happen while we went to eat dinner yesterday? We saw a police man with a gun man standing outside of the restaurant and kept shooting at the birds on top of the trees! No wonder the birds were so noisy flying around. The gun shots were loud and the birds were as loud, what a way to have dinner. Sister in law said they are shooting the birds down because of the over population. Got to say this was not an easy task because the birds came back in the evening, so shooting at black bird at evening time was not easy at all, and how many could they get? 10-20 the most! They better just chop off the tree in half. :P


  1. wah...why policeman shot at bird in populate area?.Isn't dangerous?.Shouldn't Enviroment Personnal doing that job?.Furthermore these guys use gun!! aiyooo..they better have many prefect practise if not...who know...public are in danger..Anyway,enjoy your trip in Lion City later:)

  2. Hi, i just baked your cornflakes cookies.. but the cornflakes in the cookies turned out to be quite hard and not crunchy.. pls advise me. Thanks alot..

  3. Hi,

    I have been visiting your blog so many times, you are so inspiring. Btw, how nice you can go visit your home country. How is the hand-food-and-mouth disease news in there? I knew it was originally from china and down to Vietnam by the time I read the news few days ago. I am planning to go to Singapore in 2 weeks with my kids.

  4. just dropping by to greet you happy mother's day!!

    big big kisses

  5. Beachlover,
    Ya lor, I thought it was dangerous too. Oh it was not the policeman that shot at the bird, but one gun man (might be expert in shooting down bird), the policeman just acted as a guide.

    Hi Anon,
    Are you using a fresh box of cornflakes? Because I have no idea why the cornflakes in the cookies will turn hard?

    Hi Anon,
    Thus far I heard it's in Singapore and quite a few of children have been infected. I don't know the detail though. Maybe you should read more about how it got infected and whether there is a way to avoid it. Hopefully my readers from Singapore can give us more insight about this.

    Thanks Dhanggit, Happy Mother's Day to you too! :)

  6. Ching, just want to wish you a Happy Mother's Day!!

  7. The news about hfmd has died down a bit compared to two weeks' ago, so I don't know what the latest news is. Try to avoid crowded places especially where there are lots of kids, and always keep them clean. Wash hands often and don't let them touch everywhere and then put fingers in mouth etc. Disinfect when possible. Keep away from kids' playgrounds etc just to be safe but other than that, I don't know how else to advise. That's what I do. But still, all these steps you take are not full-proof.

  8. ching! does that mean u will be in SG end of May???? Because I will be in Sg then too!

  9. sorry for the late reply! if you are coming to KL, do contact us at 012 302 1269

  10. I read about the half-price thingy in the newspapers today :D What a great deal.

    Where are you now? S'pore or Malaysia? Enjoy all the food?

  11. So you re not in Spore now? Yup i was told abt the half price ticket too, great deal yeh. Enjoy then :)

  12. Thanks Gert! :)

    Thanks for the info. D! :)

    Thanks Florence, you too!

    Yes Daphne. :)

    Tigerfish, eat until fat fat liao.

    Thanks Cranberry.


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