Monday, May 12, 2008

Melaka, here I come!

We will be heading to Melaka tomorrow. Going to stay in AFormasa Resort at Alor Gajah for two nights. Will bring the girls to the Safari and probably outdoor theme park. Not sure about the water park yet since I heard it's mostly for adults. So, probably will skip that. Can't wait to eat the famous Chicken rice balls that I have read all these years in Melaka and pay a visit to the popular Jonker Street for more makaning. Oh yeah, beachlover, I will remember to bring the mosquito spray. ;)

We will head to PJ on Thursday and stay until the 25th. During my stay at PJ, will sure go visit KLCC. Oh yeah, we will be heading to Genting Highland on the 19th and 20th. Feel free to say Hi if you recognize my girls through my blog ya. I probably won't have excess to the Internet during my stay in Alor Gajah and Genting Highland.


  1. Oh so syoik go to Alor Gajah and Genting!!..Did you bring a stroller with you?.I did bring stroller for Mishu,too tired for her to walk whole day.Jonker Street is like pasar malam but open until midnight.Remember to get Ice Kacang there.Their ice kacang is quite different from Penang ice kacang,they really use a lot of GULA Melaka!!.Don't forget to visit Tan Kim Hock too.You don't have to go to Penang to get the stuff,TKH have plenty of nutmeg,tau sar peng,dodol and etc..Hope you have a nice time in Melaka ,KL and Genting.oh!! when you're in KLCC don't forget to visit Jln for PJ,I'm not familiar with PJ area,ask BBO,they are expert!!"Tai Loh" for makaning!lol!

  2. Have fun in Melaka! We really enjoyed our trip there. Hope you won't be too disappointed by the chicken rice balls though! Just take it as a new-thing-must-try, heh, something different :)

  3. Oh may, sounds like FUN!! have a great time!!


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