Monday, May 26, 2008

Back in J.B.

Finally back in J.B. late last night. We were planning to visit Sentosa Island tomorrow but it has to be postponed because my little girl has a little fever due to the heat. Just fed her the fever medicine and hope the fever will go down soon and her appetite will return. The time spent in P.J. went like lightning and in few days time we will be flying back to U.S. My brother wedding went well, and I got to see or meet my relatives whom I haven't seen for more than 15 years. It was nice to see their children all grown up.

Sid from Big Boys Oven managed to catch me on Friday for brunch before some of my relatives arrived from out of states. I would love to thanks Sid for bringing us out to try the famous melt in the mouth Seremban char siew and Hakka noodle. I would have to get the address from him so that my parents and family will get to try it too as I have no idea where it was. The char siew is really melt in the mouth soft (sinful also lah) and I really like the hakka mee. Some of the bloggers/floggers posted this place before but I forgot who already.


  1. Hope yr little girl get well soon and you will have some fun time in Sentosa Island....

    Great of you to meet up with Sid...I have yet to meet him in person..ha.ha.

    Have a nice time.

  2. At last you meet our handsome"tai loh" for brunch.Sorry to hear your dotter is sick.Hope she recover soon.

  3. Thanks Sweet Jasmine and Beachlover. Her fever came in wave and now she is very cranky. Yesterday it was her sister turned to have high fever. I quickly gave her the medicine and the last time I checked her this morning, the fever has gone down. Will see how they progress, may cancel the Sentosa trip completely.

    Yes, the "tai loh" very enterprising, expecting something big and new from him soon. :)

  4. Hey, after your brunch with Sid, he came to my office to take some samples. He called me whey he was with you. Aiyar.... should say hi to you then. Enjoy your holiday!

  5. Hi suesue,
    Yeah, he told me he was on the phone with you after he hung off. My time in PJ was really rush, almost missed meeting Sid in person.


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