Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tagged: Six Words Memoir

I've been tagged by Ling's Passion to do this meme. So here my Six Word Memoir.........

Eat Well*Stay Healthy*Live Happy

1. Write your own six-word memoir.
2. Post it on your blog (and include a visual illustration if you’d like).
3. Link to the person who tagged you in your post.
4. Tag five more blogs with links.
5. Remember to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.

I’m tagging the followings to participate in this meme:

Soy and Pepper
Daily Affairs
Daphne- More than Words
Florence's Do What I Like


  1. wow...another tag for me...will post up when i crack my brains for a six letter word....thanks.

  2. Yup.. had my baby 2 weeks ago and posted some picture in my blog. Check it out :)

  3. nice! I hv to do the gratitude one first! Stay tune! =)

  4. hihihi this reminds me that i still owe u 1 post for the book tag

    i love ur 6 words memoir! i do all i can to achieve just those :)

  5. Sweet Jasmine, Daphne and Rita, thanks for playing along. :)

    Cocoa, definitely will check it out! :)

  6. I will try to do this hehe but I still haven't done the other tag from jasmine yet.

  7. Sorry I'm late to see this. Wah... have to scratch my head and to think of 6 words! ;p


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