Wednesday, April 23, 2008

How to Make Your Shrimps Curl

D from Daily Affairs asked me to create a post on how I made my beautiful shrimps. Actually it is very easy, it's just some curl shrimps. First I deveined the shrimps, peel off the shells and then I just slit it into half lengthwise. When you stir-fry the shrimps, it will curl up automatically. Easy right? D, now you have it! :) However, some will curl this way, but some might not oh.


  1. looks so so easy but. . . . .lol!

  2. gorgeusly healthy! i love your catchy title hehe do i make my hair magically curl into a beautiful cascading natural looking sculpture?

  3. You're welcome Daphne.

    BBOven, LOL! Sure no problem for you one lah.

    Haha Rita. You are one pretty lady, natural curl or not, also beautiful!

  4. Hey weird. I thought I left a comment but didn't appear? Thanks for the post dearie. I hope mine will turn out like yours.

  5. Ya ya...this is the curl secret. No hair dryer also can curl! LOL!

  6. Yeah D, didn't receive your last comment. Anyway, you're welcome and hope some of your shrimps will curl.

    Naughty naughty tigerfish ah!

  7. Hey didnt know that the shrimp will curls up so nice. Thanks for the tips.


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