Friday, January 04, 2008

My Yong Tao Foo Sauce

What I did with my leftover fish paste from making the you tiao? Make yong tau foo of course. I only have taufoo poks and red chilies so that would do. But the main purpose of this post is to share with you this yong tau foo sauce. I created this sauce by chance at my friend A's house when she suggested me to make a sauce for her yong tau foo. I have been using Rasa Malaysia soy bean paste sauce all this while but my friend soy bean paste has turned bad so had to throw it away and left me to think of an alternative fast. And thus this sauce was created.

All I used were chopped garlics, Hoisin sauce and honey. And this sauce is delicious and complimented the yong tau foo really well. Just put a little oil (~1 tsp.), add in the chopped garlic (~2Tbsp.) and fry until brown, then add in some water (~1/2 cup), hoisin sauce (~3 Tbsp.) and honey (~2 Tbsp.), stir well to mix and lastly thicken with a cornstarch mixture before adding in the yong tau foo to coat well. I really like this sauce and if you do try it, feedback to me ya!

Yong Tao Foo soup
Also see my Yong Tao Foo dinner here.


  1. hmmmm....look yummy especially the pepper..oh!! now you make me wonder about eating YTF..should get the fish paste when I'm in city...hiyaaa..

  2. oooh, thanks for the

  3. this is superb! and looks so delicious!

  4. that's an excellent idea! Thanks for sharing. I will let u know when I have the chance to try it out!

  5. Hehe Beachlover, nevermind next time lor. ;)

    You're welcome singarishgirl. :)

    Thanks BBoven! :)

    Cool Daphne! Hope you get to try it. :)

  6. Good thing I open your web today. I have a bit of Tofu and not knowing what I am going to do with that. Thanks for the recipe!

  7. Just tried this for lunch today. Made a minor mistake but it was still delicious. I thought I could freeze up some left over but they were all GONE. :-) Even my little picky eater Tyler loves it! Thanks for posting the recipe!

  8. Oooh, that's a good idea, but I think hoisin sauce with honey will make it too sweet no? I do have some yong tau foo at home still so let me try it out and give you some feedback, hehe. OK, must go downstairs to defrost them to make them for dinner. ;)

  9. Wonderful idea, mate! :) Your DD is so kuai! My DS..aiyoh, if I say "wait ah"...he will sit at the kitchen gate and cry, cry, cry. I am so amazed that you can find time to update your blog, cook, be a wife, mother, housewife, etc...kudus to you leh.

  10. You're welcome Dwiana. Hope you like it. :)

    You're welcome hoon. That's good to know, maybe it's on the sweet side and thus he likes it?

    Hi RM, how you like the sauce? :P
    This is a sweet sauce but I don't think it's too sweet though.

    Thanks JP! Yeah my girls are "kuai", that's why I can still do my own thing...hahaha...

  11. I love yong tau foo too.Thanks for the sauce recipe. Will keep this in mind when I make yong tau foo next time.

  12. I tried this last night, but it was too sweet for my taste. I personally don't like my food too sweet. I like the hoisin sauce taste, but will probably do it without honey, and probably add in some oyster sauce or Sri Racha to give it some saltiness and spiciness..overall, it was pretty good. :)

    I do use hoisin sauce + Sri Racha as dipping sauce, it's very similar to the Ampang Yong Tow Foo version, check this out:

  13. Sure Mandy! :)

    RM, thanks for your feedback ya! :)

  14. Thanks for the Yong Tau Foo sauce. I usually make Yong Tau Foo when my two daughters come home with their husbands. For some reason I've never thought of making a sauce to go with it. I just stuff the flat bean curd, jalapeno, white tau foo and eggplant with fish cake, deep fried them and then put them in a big pot of home-made soup. I shall try your sauce next time. My wife and I are from Malaysia too. The mention of Ampang Yong Tau Foo by Rasamalaysia makes me homesick. Thanks again.

  15. You are welcome C. Hope you like this sauce. :)


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