Wednesday, January 30, 2008

More CNY Bakes 2008 (1)

Pandan Kuih Bangkit ~ Decided to add some pandan paste for a change. Don't think it's green enough...haha... Anyway, not very happy with this batch and I think I know why. I used the frozen coconut milk (curdled coconut cream!) instead of opening a new can of coconut milk, didn't think it would make a different but it did (ended out needed more coconut milk). It's not as crispy & light, more towards crunchy and melt in the mouth. Oh well, lesson learned!

Melt-in-the-Mouth Pineapple Tarts ~ Everyone favorite! I stick with the same old pattern because it yield more tarts for me. I didn't use a lot of pineapple filling too, so the sweetness is just "gam gam hor" (just nice).

For my pineapple tart recipe, click here.
For my kuih bangkit recipe, click here.
For my step-by-step-pictures guide, click here.


  1. Little C,

    The kuih bangkit looks really pretty with the light shade of green. I made kuih bangkit for the first time not too long ago and I enjoyed them very much. Guess whose recipe I used? yep..yours, with the step by step guide. So thank you. I will be making some more soon.

    I also received the pineapple tart mold that my sister got from the baking store in PJ that you recommended-don't know if you remember =)SO..I am all set to make some pineapple tarts. Yours looks adorable! Great photography, by the way.
    Keep on making those yummy goodies!


  2. All you CNY cookies are lovely.. maybe can start a seasonal business specialized in CNY cookies :)

  3. Wow, working hard eh? Bangkit is a lot of work and your weather is cold, so you have to work fast no? Amazing. Lovely tarts. I need make more. Hope tomorrow can do.

  4. wah..i want one! Pandan paste is a good idea I think.. haven't tried one with pandan taste before.

  5. Nice cookies!:)
    Two of everyone's favorites!
    I am the only queer one who doesn't really take interest in cookies:p

  6. You look like all charged up baking for CNY. Wishing you and family Gong Xi Fa Cai.

  7. Whoa, you are really selling these CNY cookies, aren't you? What's up next? :D

  8. sedap! BTW, may I know if you place the pineapple filling together with the pastry and bake OR bake the pastry first, then add in the filling and bake again? Mine hor very dry leh. So, in the end, turn it into mandarin oranges...can die, right? DH loves to have lots of filling..then only shoik. :)

  9. Oh I am drooling... oh my cookies the way I want them to be, you got it spot on!

  10. Thanks Cocoa. But no buyer leh?

    Hi D,
    KB is not a lot of work for me because I used microwave. It's fairly easy to make actually. Going to make more KB next week, thinking of another 2 batches. So that my brother can bring it back for my mom. I hubs almost finished all the pineapple tarts liao, have to make more next week.

    I think it's a great idea, next time I will put more pandan paste and makes it greener. Hehe..

    Thanks Christy. Another favorite of mine is kuih kapit, too bad it's so hard to make it here.

    Hi Ling,
    Yes I am. Will be baking more today and even more next week. Gong Xi Fa Cai to you & family too!

    No lah tigerfish,
    No buyer lah. Next would be peanut cookies, sugi cookies & conflakes cookies. :)

    Hi JP,
    I put the filling in and bake it together with the pastry. My filling is very moist before bake though. Is your filling on the dry side to begin with, if not I'm not sure how your filling will turn dry. Guess you will have to do the covered pineapple tarts then.

    Thanks BBOven! *grinning*

  11. Oops, missed two on top!

    Thanks Andaliman. I like those shapes too! :)

    Hi Louisa,
    Yay! you got the pineapple tarts mold! Have fun in making the pineapple tarts! Glad you like my KB recipe. I enjoyed this cookies very much too, eating KB is shiok! Do you have a blog? Post your bakes, I wanna see! :)

  12. Hi Little C,

    No, I don't have a blog. I wish I did, but don't have the talent nor the discipline to keep one. Maybe next time. I'm learning quite a bit from you and your fellow bloggers. I do take pictures of my kitchen endeavours though, to send to my family in Malaysia to prove that I'm not feeding my kids just pizza and spaghetti all the time..haha. It's not much, but you and your readers are welcome to visit my food album at
    I admit the photos are horrendous. My sister says I really should get a new camera. yes..that's right, blame the equipment.
    Happy Baking!

  13. Finally, make some of your cookies ... Kuih Bangkit, Green Bean Cookies & Kuih Bunga.

    I have the hardest time with Kuih Bunga ... couldn't get the "Bunga" off of the mould!

    Will be making more ... probably pineapple tart soon!

    Thanks for the inspirations!

  14. Hi Louisa,
    Your cooking and baking look delicious! Certainly can create a blog if you have the time to maintain it.

    Hi Tricia,
    Wow, so fast whipped out three cookies! Very good leh! As for the kuih bunga, the mold needs to be well seasoned for it to drop out nicely. My first 3-4 batches were like that too. Btw, don't wash the mold with soap after each use, so that it will be well seasoned. ;)

  15. wah, u are really on a roll! Everything looks so yummy! I haven't done any baking yet!! Maybe I should start this weekend. :)

  16. Ching, your cookies look so great!

  17. Ooops! Too late, already washed the moulded with soap. Forgot to tell you, my 1st try I dipped the mould all the way into the batter ... Alamak!!! Sooo funny!

    Anyway, Thanks for the tip. Will season the mould next time.

  18. Yes Blurmommy, I really on the roll. Will bake more today and next week. This weekend is good to start, just nice for CNY and you don't have to bake many batches. Now I bake to refill those that were finished!! *aiyo*

    Thanks Retno! :)

    You're welcome Tricia. Actually my first try, I did the same thing too! Also lots of burnt ones since I also couldn't get it off the mold. Practise makes perfect in making kuih bunga. I think patient too!

  19. OMG!! How many cookies are you baking!! They all look fantastic!

  20. Hi Little C
    Love the pineapple tart mould. Haven't seen such shape in SG, hope to have some luck in locating them here. Great blog you have here. Wishing u a properous lunar new year. Adeline

  21. WokandSpoon,
    A Lot!! Mostly as gifts though!

    Thanks Adeline. Wishing you a Happy CNY too! I got this mold in a Johor Bahru shopping mall, but I forgot the name of that store.

  22. no buyer?? haa.. there is one here in Kansas City waiting to get some chinese new year cookies from you haa..

  23. Huh Cocoa? You want to be my first buyer? LOL! Thus far I haven't found anyone who is willing to pay for some fresh homemade delicious CNY cookies ship to their door yet! :(

  24. hi
    can i have the receoit for green ben almond cookies & pinapple tart recepit
    my emAIL



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