Monday, January 28, 2008

Green Bean Almond Cookies

My first CNY bakes after much procrastination. I bought a packet of green bean flour thinking of using it to make some cookies for CNY. Did a search on the Internet and found this recipe here. Easy enough for my liking and thus got the recipe printed out to try later. After seeing few of my frequent blogs came out with their CNY bakes, I finally got motivated to start baking. LeeLee (Hugbear) said once my engine starts, I will keep going...hahaha...

This cookie is crunchy and melt in the mouth. It has the green bean fragrant as the almond is used for decoration only. Next time I would probably omit the almond, shape the cookie differently and make it a green bean cookie instead. Evy and Edda both adore this cookies as they couldn't resist themselves to ask for it everyday. Evy prefers it without the almond on top as she would pick it aside.

I sure think I made pretty and yummy CNY cookies, anyone wants to buy from me (provided you are willing to pay $12-$16 per bottle plus shipping)? LOL!

This is the Green Bean Flour that I used. Since many have asked, I posted a picture here for reference.


  1. Wowww .....Green Bean Almond Cookies ....

    looks great ... ++++

    Nice pix...
    Nice blog ..&
    Nice to meet you ....

  2. The cookies look awesome! I like how the bright the colors are, perfect for CNY :)

  3. The looks lovely... wish i can have a taste of it..haa

  4. Wow yummy. If you say it's easy, I trust you hehe. I know, you just need to get motivated sometimes. Very beautiful glaze on top. Haha, ur kids are like mine. Every day asking for pineapple tarts.

  5. oh! looks so yummy and it's truely a CNY cookie judging from the background. heheeheh.

  6. very lovely cookies. love the glaze on these cookies.

    is your green bean flour the one for making kuih koya?

  7. Your Almond Cookies looks great! I like the cookie cutter shape.

    I bought a manual cookie press (by Wilton) tried using it over the weekend ... was very unsuccessful! Will be returning it soon.

    I have been waiting for you (and the few blogs that I frequent) to start your CNY baking ... so I can get inspiration juice going!!!

  8. Definately pretty and yummy! Wah, can DHL some over ah? I have started baking any CNY cookies yet. Only did the Kek Lapis.
    So, what's next on your list?

  9. My fav CNY cookies! I swear! Crunchy + melt in the mouth - this will melt my heart man!...and your pricing will melt my wallet! :P hoh hohoho
    (cannot buy since "rich god" has not sent me $ yet!)

  10. Oh the "wau bulan" lovely, the colour is so dense, I will definitely fall for them, wallop some of them should not be a matter at all!

  11. So pretty! You could make it into a home business :)

  12. the cookies looks very good! i like the shape of yr cookie cutters. :)

    so now, yr engine is all pumped up? i'll be expecting to see more cny bakes from now. LOL

  13. Thank you aim! :)

    Thanks Lin, have you started yours yet? :)

    Thanks Cocoa, just make some for your family lah.

    Hi D,
    Yeah...I'm not sure my CNY bakes can last til CNY! LOL! Definitely have to do another batch... *faint*

    Thanks Daphne,
    Yeah CNY is in the air already!

    Thanks Peony,
    I think it's the same flour. On my packet it just wrote Green Bean Flour and tasted like green beans.

    Thanks Tricia,
    My cookie press is so hard to work with too. Ended out using a cookie cutter instead! Ok, ok, will post more CNY bakes to get your inspiration juice going! LOL!

    Thanks JP,
    You can make those easy one like peanut cookies, conflake cookies, and sugi cookie, those just mix, roll and bake. Will be making conflakes cookies today and more pineapple tarts!

    Hahaha...Tigerfish, you funny lah! But you are going back for CNY right? So, no worry...sure got lots to eat there.

    Hi BBOven,
    Wallop some of them is very easy. Have to sanction though, if not, CNY comes "bor liao".

    Thanks Nilmandra. Cannot make into business as no one wants to buy!

    Thanks Baking Fiend! :) Hahaha...yeah engine sure pumped up already, more pictures coming up! And more baking to do...

    Thanks Sagari! :)

  14. Ching, with school and work..I don't think I will have the time to do CNY bakes. Besides, simply no mood for this year :(

  15. wah...your cookies look lovely; I bet they're almost all gone already... Can I ask what cookie cutter did you use? And what is Green Bean flour -- is it hoon kueh powder?
    Thanks in advance :-)


  16. Posted my comment much ealier but not sure what went wrong. Anyway, your cookies looks great but too expensive to buy since I only earn RM so cannot afford to pay in Canadian Dollar...ha..ha..ha

  17. Dear Little Corner of Mine

    Your cookies look great. Hope to see more bakes from your blog. I have a question: what is green bean flour? Is it grind from green bean that we use to cook dessert? Thank you in advane for your reply.

  18. wow... this moon-shape cookies look lovely! Some more have the Ang Pao and oranges ...
    Hey, this is good to have with a cup of coffee ler ~

  19. first time i encounter this type of cookie..from the look of it they really absolutely delicious!! would love to have some for my tea time :-)

  20. Hi Lin,
    It's okay. These days we can buy some decent CNY products at the store, go buy some and put it in your house, it might lighten up your mood. I already decorated my house with CNY decoration, it really set the mood and makes me happy.

    Thanks Tatiana. I got this plastic cookie cutter from M'sia. It comes with variety of cookie cutter shapes and fairly cheap. (I used some for my KB) Yes, I think it's the same flour. It's green peas flour, I will take a picture and post it later.

    Aiya Ling,
    You can just make it yourself or buy it in M'sia. I only selling to U.S. residents who want to eat but don't want to take the trouble to bake. But I guess even them are not willing to pay! LOL!

    Hi Anon,
    I think green bean flour = green peas flour, those that use to make almond cookies and kuih. Will post a picture of the flour.

    Thanks bigfish, to set the mood mah. Definitely good with a cup of coffee, I'm enjoying my bakes with coffee now as I type! :)

    Hi Dhanggit,
    It's delicious and almost gone! You come over and we can have tea together with all my CNY cookies. :)

  21. I really like your cookies. How did you get the cookies to be so evenly brown and also the glaze look so beautiful. I have the same packet of green bean flour in my pantry and don't know what to do with it. Maybe is time to bake some of this cookies.

  22. Thanks Gert. I think it's time to start your engine too huh? LOL! I'm going to make more of this cookies and peanut cookies today, the first batch I made almost gone liao. Can't wait to see your CNY cookies! :)

  23. ooo i personally love these very much! :D

  24. Hi, I saw you explaining to someone else that green bean = green pea. Is this the same as hoen kwe flour?? I had a packet of green pea flour in my hands yesterday but shop-keeper said its for kuih not cookies, so I didn't get it - wld appreciate if u write back soon as i would really like to try your recipe for cny - many tks, Kathy

  25. Hi Kathy, I don't think they are the same flour anymore. Lily told me green bean starch is hoen kew flour, not green bean flour though. But I think you can substitute green bean flour with green pea flour, just that your cookie will taste like green pea cookie instead of green bean cookie, should be no harm done.

  26. Hello Rose the cookies are lovely.

    I have a question regarding the recipe. The ingredient cornflour... is this corn starch or corn meal. I know you are in colorodo. Overseas cornflour is often corn starch. Is this what you used? Please respond as I am gluten intolerant and cannot use wheat flour. This cookie is using 2 gluten free flours (green bean and conflour) I can use a GF sub for the regular flour. I have green bean flour from my local Asian market and I have corn starch. Am I good to go?

    Love & Light,


  27. Hi Tee,

    Yes, cornflour is cornstarch. You are good to go! Happy baking!

  28. Hey there! Such long time no I mean comment! ;-)

    Researching stuff for CNY...would love to try this.

  29. Hi SteamyKitchen, yeah long time. I tried this cookie and it was not bad at all. Happy Trying!

  30. Hi Little Corner of Mine

    I hv been high and low for the green bean flour but cud not find any. I am in S'pore and wonder which supermarts carry this item.

    Cud u tell me where u got yours.

    Priscilla Poh

  31. Hi Priscilla,
    Hmmm...strange that you couldn't find it in Singapore. I got it in the U.S. Asian store. Perhaps you can try Malaysia or ask around? Sorry couldn't help much! :(


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