Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Winter Wonderland

It has been snowing again. It snowed the past Saturday and today and it is freezing cold. Currently at -8'C (but feel like -12'C) and tonight low is -13'C and tomorrow high is only going to reach 1'C. V, if you are reading this, the weather in Singapore is so much nicer compared to this cold. Enjoy the hot weather there as you would probably home to snow and COLD! I am not sure who wants to go out in this kind of weather unless has to.

Look at the accumulation on my deck! But this is nothing compared to foots of snow we got last year. I took these pictures on my sliding door as I would not want to step outside in this cold. Just want to share with those in Asia what it is like here where I live. It spelled C.O.L.D! *shivering*

Btw, winter solstice festival or tang yuen festival falls on Dec. 22nd. Let's make some tang yuen on this day, it's a fun time letting your little one plays with the dough too. Evy has been asking me to make tang yuen, but this lazy mommy told her, wait until winter solstice day first since mommy is lazy. :P


  1. Haha! I am actually missing the snow back home! Been raining cats, dogs and elephants here to say the least... missing you too gf! Hugs to the princesses!

  2. where are you in CO?.I hear the mountain evelation temp is very different than ours.wow!!..I see the snow make me really shivering with cold now..We are still in 20 and 30 but I refused to go out if it's not running my errands.You know what good for now,brew more soup,maybe tong kwai!!..Talking about soup,I've to check my BKT upstair now..keep warm:))

  3. wow! Real snow! what an experience. Looks like a hot mug of hot chocolate is in order there.. ;p

  4. Oh wow, but V will tell you that it is not sunny in Singapore. Haha. She was freezing in her aircon room, but I bet not as freezing cold as you there. Hahaha. Hey, please share tang yuen recipe. I never made it. Only when young with grandma and it was fun, especially we liked the coloured balls.

  5. Hi V,
    Haha...at least raining it won't be too hot. But then hard to go out shopping or visiting tourist spots when it rains with little ones. It is cold here and another snow storm this Friday! Ah doi!

    Hi Beachlover,
    Great idea! I will cook Penang assam laksa tomorrow with ChanHong paste, spicy hot soup should warm me up. Hehehe....
    Oh, here is definitely colder, I'm in Colorado Springs at elevation of 6500 feets, but summer is nice here, not too hot! Trade off lor.

    Hi Daphne,
    You are darn right! I just bought two boxes of hot chocolate! :)

    Hi Singarishgirl,
    Hahaha...read the above!
    As for tang yuen, I don't have the exact recipe but it is very easy to make. Just take about 1 cup of glutinous rice flour, mix in water, a little at a time, and knead until it forms a dough, if too wet, add more glutinous rice flour. Then, just divide into 3and add whatever coloring you want, then you get 3 different colors tang yuen. After that just roll it into balls and drop it in boiling water. It's cooked when it floats on top. Dish out and serve with Gula Melaka Ginger syrup. :)

  6. Even in California, it does not snow like that. How do you keep warm at home? Fireplace? Heater? Jacket?

  7. hahahahha are you lazy? don't think so! lol! maybe just the cold.

  8. Tigerfish, heater and sweat shirt & pant lor. Fireplace only for that room only so hardly ever turn it on. And with little Edda who loves to touch anything, definitely not adviseable to on it.

    BBOven, oh yes, I think I am lazy. Hehehe....

  9. wow I can't imagine the minus degrees...I'm already feeling cold here with 8 degrees outside right now. You might like the winter in California, ever considering moving here? :)

  10. wah, that'a a lot of snow. It's cold here too but no snow. Stay warm! :)

  11. the snow makes you want to snuggle in a warm blanket right in front of a fireplace...but here in Penang rain for two days ...then so hot like oven another day....

  12. wow.. even looking at your pics i can feel the cold.. hehe.. your little ones must be bored staying indoor these days. Do keep those little hands and feets warm..

    yes, will make tang yuan with ning next week, looking forward to see Evy's tang yuen too.. I remembered her hot dog tang yuen..:)

  13. Hahaha Lin. I actually love it here, it's a nice place to raise my family. And I love my new house and neighborhood that we are quite settled down now. :)

    Thanks BlurMommy! Will do! :)

    Hi Sweet Jasmine, Hmmmm...hot like oven ah...that I am not looking forward to. We went back in 2005 and all we wanted to do were stayed in an air-cond. room. We were so not used to the heat and sweat anymore. :( *Here is so dry we hardly ever sweat at all*

    Hi Ning's Mummy, you sure have good memory...hahaha....eager to see what Ning's tang yuen will be too! :)

  14. Oh dear... I am not expecting to see more snow. I get enough. But I shall admit it that Christmas is not going to be good without snow huh. enjoy your winter.

  15. Yes, Dwiana. It does feel more like Christmas when it's snow and white outside. You enjoy your winter too and happy holidays!

  16. wow, this is wat a real winter wonderland holiday is !! we went to korea last dec wanting to have one winter holiday (our first time) but was disappointed !!


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