Sunday, December 09, 2007

Apple Crumble Pie

Frankly we were not an Apple Pie fan. Not even the Bakery's apple pie can convinced us otherwise. And then we were introduced to Apple crumble pie ages ago while having dinner at an American couple's house and thought that hey it was actually not bad at all. Perhaps it was the crispy top? Or the spices she used in her apple pie filling? Not sure...but her apple crumble pie just tasted great. So, I was more open-minded from then on.

I went online and came across this recipe at and decided to give it a try. I totally loved it and have been making this pie ever since. Years went by and I am glad that the recipe is still there and gaining popularity.

This time, I also added some oats, raisins and chocolate chips in my crumble topping just for some variation. Serve with a scoop of your favorite ice-cream or a dollop of whipped cream and here's a slice of your pie! Oh yeah, this pie tastes better the next day. Looking at the picture, I need to go get myself a slice again. LOL! The top stayed crispy for days, just don't cover it with anything. I keep mine uncovered in the oven.


  1. I like your idea of adding oats, raisins and choc chips. The topping sounded tastier than the filling...

  2. more pie!!..I saw some blogger bake crumble pie or crumble cake but never try it b4.I saw supermarket sell it now for Christmas season...Hmmmm...must bake one day and try I'm also not an apple pie fan...yours look good!!

  3. haha.. I like the addition of the chocolate chips! :p and the crust looks terrific!

  4. Woohoo! I'm hungry now and the pie makes my tummy growl. Are you doing more pies? Sigh, don't know what to bake for cookie exchange. Any ideas? Choc chip already choped by friend.

  5. I like apple pie but I dun make it often 'cos I am the only one to eat it. :( Your pie is tempting me to make one!!hehe...

  6. Your pie looks wonderful and the addition of chocolate would be right up my alley. I, even as an American, do not care for apple pie that much. I much prefer a berry pie. Any kind of berries will do.

  7. Thanks Ling. I think the topping is tastier than the filling...hahaha....Can cetainly use this topping to top the muffin for extra crunch. ;)

    Thanks beachlover. I still prefer the sweet potato pie. I just like this crumble topping...hahaha... But, remember that apple pie tastes better when it's cold or next day...

    Thanks daphne! :)

    Hi singarishgirl,
    Hmmm...might repeat the sweet potato pie again, don't know yet, still undecided. But no more new pie, I only make these two. What about orange cranberry biscotti? Or butter cookies/melting moments with Christmas decor? Or peppermint butter cookies (but no idea how well these butter cookies held up during shipping though) or the simple rolled oats cookies with raisin or any dried fruits? Gingerman cookies? Snickerdoodles? Cream cheese christmas cookies? Just go to and type Christmas cookies and get idea from there! :)

    Hi BlurMommy,
    Hehehe....oh well, it's the season for pie....or maybe make it for a potluck or party....

    Hi Greg,
    Thanks. Guess not many people like apple pie huh? I'm not a berry pie fan too...perhaps it always turned out on the sour side...or something... :P

  8. Oh this pis is so gorgeous and exciting! what type of apple did you use? green or red ones?

  9. Sounds like a good crumble toppings. Going to try it next year.

  10. Hahaha, tks. You do seem to be reading off the allrecipes list lol.

  11. V,
    Hahaha....baking season mah...:P

    Thanks BBOven. I used green granny smith apples. The shape hold up well during baking and is recommended for apple pie.

    Yay...hope you like it.

    Hahaha...singarishgirl...LOL! I also need to do research mah...also wondering what the American bake for Christmas cookies. :P

  12. Wanna come over for your apple pie :)

  13. wow, this sure looks good yeh. I love apple crumble pie, my fav! This will be perfect as one of the X'mas food item :)

  14. Hi Andaliman,
    Come...come...have a piece! ;)

    Hi Cranberry,
    This sures is one X'mas favorite dessert. Definitely one of the desserts in American X'mas party besides the pumpkin pie.


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