Monday, October 08, 2007

Edda's Birthday Party (Part 1)

My little girl turned one year old few days ago. I had a birthday party for her because turning one is special for Chinese. So, I invited a couple of my friends to celebrate with us. Sharing some pictures of what I cooked with my readers here.

I learned a lesson from Evy's birthday. That is not to wait until the last minute to stir-fry because I was still cooking when my guests showed up and I had to finish cooking and setting the table in front of my guests. So, for this I told myself I got to get everything done before my guests arrived. So this time, I got everything cooked two hours prior and keep warm in my oven ready to bring out 5 minutes before the designated time. However, I also learned a new lesson with this arrangement, will spill in my part 2 post when I show the close up of my dishes.

The spread without the cheese pizza (still baking in the oven)

Another view of the spread

Dessert section: pandan cream cheese pound cake, strawberry butter cake, brownie (can see from the 1st. picture), kuih bingka ubi and mixed fruit konnyaku jelly.

Party table with goodies bags for the kids, red eggs for each family to take home and snack.

The red eggs gift bags for adults

Mixed fruit konnyaku jelly in assorted fish molds. My girlfriend A got this for me from M'sia, nice right? :)

The Pandan cream cheese pound cake. Recipe here, just used pandan paste instead of green tea powder. And yes, thanks for the tips from my readers, my cake turned out beautiful from the bundt pan.

Edda's birthday cake. I used this for the chocolate cake and as for the frosting, will post it in another post. Stay tuned!


  1. What a lovely spread! Making my hungry now! hehe!

  2. wow... A LOT OF FOOD!! I am so so admired that you have so much energy to prepare this with 2 kids to take care!!

    Lastly, Happy Belated Birthday to Edda!!

  3. Wow, what a feast for such a little one!

  4. Hehe V, no worry, you will get to eat Asian food this Sat. ;)

    Thanks Cocoa! Yeah, I also don't know what happen, this energy came whenever I want to host birthday party for my girls. Normal day I'm very lazy one. Hehe...

    Hi Kelly,
    Yeah since she doesn't have her own friends yet, it's all mommy's friends. LOL! And since it's mommy friends, have to feed them! :D

  5. Happy Birthday to Edda! I wish I was invited....look at the spread! And you prepared everything by yourself...salute you :)

  6. Happy birthday dear Edda, even though a little late. Gorgeous food. Great job, mum. Oh yes, first birthdays are usually adult parties. Hahaha.

  7. Pandan cream cheese pound cake huh.. Can I use normal pan?

  8. OMG! I really love the way you spread those gorgeous food! Oh that dome cake cover looks lovely, I manage to get one few weeks ago. Lovely birthday cake too!

  9. well done, super lady ..

    that's a mighty spread of food and goodies.

  10. Happy Belated Birthday to Edda!

    So fast one year.. i rmb chancing upon ur blog when u just gave birth.. time flies hor.. :P

    Many your girls continue to bring u and ur family much joy and wonderful memories ^_^

  11. What a lovely spread. Hats off to you!

  12. Hi Tigerfish,
    Yeah lor. But it was actually not too bad, not too tired in the end.

    Thanks singairishgirl. :)

    Sure you can Daphne. Just bake acoording to the pan size time. Any leftover batter just put in cupcakes.

    Thanks BBOven! Yeah that dome cake cover comes in handy in my dry weather. See, I have to cover all my other cakes with wrap, if not it will turn hard in 15-20 mins. Same with bread!

    Thanks Peony! :)

    Thanks Tweetybird for your well wishes. Yup, time sure flies!

    Thanks Nilmandra. :)

  13. Happy birthday Edda!
    Wow Ching, I think u outdid yourself; Evy's birthday spread was already so impressive; I think Edda's had even more food!

    How did you do it? 'Pei4 fu2, pei4 fu2' :-)

    I stopped scrolling down and started to stare (and drool)when I saw the chicken curry and fried mee siam. Must have tasted fantastic...

  14. wow, what a spread!! I wish I live near u! U really got a lot of energy hor? Everything look so good! Happy Birthday Edda!

  15. Happy belated birthday for Edda. Wouw , you´ve cooked so many dishes. Looks great, make me hungry ^_^

  16. Thanks Tatiana, BlurMommy & Retno! :) I managed to do all this with the help of a list and of couse my management and organizing skills lah. LOL! ;)

  17. Happy Birthday Edda! :-). Wow! Wow! What a yummy yummy feast! Ching, you are really expert, man! *2 thumbs up*

  18. Konyakuuuu I love konyakuu. In Indonesia we usually call as nutrijell. Nutrijell is the brand of konnyaku powder

  19. Wow Ching, did you do all these by yourself? You are a supermum lah. Happy Belated Birthday to your cute little girl.

  20. Hi. Hopped over from Sweet Jasmine's blog. The birthday spread is very Asian :-), i.e. food during birthdays. Mostly angmoh's birthdays nothing to eat one....

  21. Thanks Littlehands. Not an expert lah, just got the drive when I throw a party.

    Hi Andaliman,
    We love konnyaku jelly too, now it comes in lots of brands.

    Thanks Hugbear! :) Yeah, I did all that by myself! Hehe...

    LOL @ NomadicMom comment. Very true lah! ;P

  22. Happy birthday to dear Edda!
    Wow! You did the spread all by yourself. Must be a tiring day for you.
    Everything looked yummy.

  23. you prepared all of this food? I bet you love cooking!! All look so yummy!! I wish I were there to join the party and eat:) happy belated b'day for Edda.
    greeting from pa,

  24. Thanks Florence! :) It actually turned out not too bad on Sat. But was tired on Friday.

    Hi Dwiana,
    Thanks ya! Yes, I baked and cooked everything. I do love cooking but most of the times I am kinda lazy. Hahaha... :P

  25. Hi,

    I was wondering where can you buy Pandan Paste. I see you and Lily know of it. Please enlighten. Thanks.

  26. Hi Candy Spooner,
    I bought my Pandan paste at the Vietnamese/Chinese stores in Denver. I think it can be found at the Thai grocery store too. A lot of Asian stores do sell Pandan Paste, just keep a look out for it.


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