Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Look what I found caught!

Mom, I'm just tasting sister's cookie.

It's yummy, mommy! Sorry for the mess ya!

This is what happen when her sister lay her cookie around and she found it. Often time she would knock over her sister cup of water/juice/Milo too! What a "tham jiak" little girl I have! :) She just want a taste of everything.


  1. Awwwww ... she has a developed palate at such a young age!

  2. haha, Edda is so cuuute!! Reminds me of the time my girl got caught with her hands inside the peanut butter jar and smearing her face and mouth with it :-) Guess it's a phase that they all go through. Afterall, life is too short for bottled baby food and mashed carrots, yah? :-)

    PS Glad to see you're back. Was wondering if you had gone for a holiday. Your floor's ok now, yah?

  3. she is so adorable!!look at her "ooh ooh" reaction haaa..

  4. Thanks ladies for your comments. :)

    Hi Tatiana,
    My hardwood floor is really smooth now, thanks for asking. :)

  5. wow your little one has grown so much. Such a cutie. Simply love her eyes!!!!

  6. she is so adorable! LOL definitely a charmer. Love her surprised wide eye look in the last pic... especially with the chocolate stains! hehehe. Must be a yummy cookie!!

  7. cute!

  8. Oh that so innocent, it's not my fault look!!!!

  9. hhhhehehee cute girl, how lucky ur daughter really adorable :)

  10. she looks so cute!

  11. that's really one memorable shot for the album :D

    nice to see u blogging again.

  12. Thanks ladies! :)

    Peony, it's good to be back. :)

  13. wow, Edda has grown up alot. Seems so fast! She looks adorable :)

  14. Edda is SOOOO CUTE! We added some new pictures on our web site, feel free to check it out.

  15. Thanks Tracy! They sure grow up fast. :)

    Thanks Yock Hoon. I will sure go check out your cutie pictures too! Ahhh...finally updated! :D

  16. she is a big baby now ...she looks so innocent and cute , you put the cookie on her hand one lah ^_^

  17. Hi Janet,
    Do you think I would put a chocolate cookie in her hand knowing that she would make a mess? Definitely no lah. I gave it to her sister, see the purple bowl that she managed to flip over? Her sister put the cookie in that bowl on her notebook table and left. When we walked into the computer room, that was exactly what we found, little Edda enjoying eating this piece of cookie her sister left behind. LOL!

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  19. Hi there,
    Can you post this recipe on your blog. I can't find it at Kitchencapers at all for "Asian steamed kuih". Thanks.


  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Hi Isabella,
    It took me awhile to realize what you were referring to since you posted it under the wrong post. I think you meant Gina's yam kuih right? I just posted the recipe for you!


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