Thursday, September 06, 2007

Chocolate Swiss Roll

What can I say, after seeing the Swiss roll one after another popping up at East Meets West Kitchen, I got motivated. I adapted this easy Swiss roll recipe from my previous Pandan Kaya Jelly Roll . I wanted to use this recipe again because (1) I wanted to proof that I can still make a Swiss roll without the 1 Tbsp. of hot water (as in the original recipe). (2) No butter or oil was used in this recipe, thus a healthier version.

I turned this into Chocolate Swiss Roll because I wanted to use Nutella as filling. Little did I know this combination can hardly see the swirling effect of Swiss roll. In addition, I didn't roll it once out of the oven and thus the top got cracks. :( Anyway, as long as it still tasted good right? ;)

3 eggs
1/2 cup granulated sugar, plus extra for sprinkling
1/2 cup all-purpose flour, sifted
1/4 cup cocoa powder, sifted

Nutella jam for spreading
Confectioners' sugar for dusting (optional)


1. Preheat oven to 400'F. Grease a 12x8-inch jelly roll pan and line with parchment paper.

2. Combine eggs and sugar in a bowl. Beat with a handheld electric mixer until thick and mousse like. (When the beaters are lifted, a trail should remain on the surface of the mixture for at least 15 seconds.)

3. Sift flour and cocoa powder in a bowl. Carefully fold the flour mixture into the egg mixture until incorporated.

4. Spoon into the prepared pan, spread evenly to the edges and bake for 10-12 minutes, or until the cake springs back when lightly pressed.

5. Spread a sheet of wax paper on a flat surface, sprinkle it with granulated sugar, then invert the cake on top. Peel off the parchment paper. Roll up the cake while still warm. Let cool for 5 minutes with seam side down.

6. Unroll the cake. Neatly trim the edges of the cake. Spread the cake with Nutella and roll it up again. Let cool completely.

I would love to thanks Retno from Kedai Hamburg for awarding me with this Rockin' Girl Blogger Award. Really appreciated it since I never really receive award of any kind. Now I would love to pass this award to my girlfriend V at
East Meets West Kitchen. You rock girlfriend! :o)


  1. LOL! You are so sweet to go swiss rolling with me! **clap, clap!** Alamak, didn't see your pandan swiss roll recipe, or else I would had tried that! Nice chocolately swiss roll with Nutella, I want some! :)

  2. OMG! I was drooling at your chocolate swiss roll pics and missed your award the 1st time. CONGRATULATIONS GF!
    And my jaw dropped when I saw my name. Awwww! **Big Hugs!**

  3. Hi V,
    All in our tummies already. LOL! Thanks for the motivation ya as you know how lazy I am.

    Congratulations on this award too! :)

  4. I tell you.. I'm a big fan of chocolate...share with me pleasee!!!! ^_^

  5. I love swiss rolls, somemore yours so chocolate-ty! I like!

  6. that swiss roll looks delicious.. and i'm so going to try it because it has NO butter in it at all. So healthy!! so clever to omit it.

  7. Here you are Andaliman, help yourself a piece. ;)

    Tigerfish, I like swiss rolls too. Love the one with whipped cream filling as well. The ones sold here in the Asian store are quite pricy!

    Hi Daphne, just make sure you beat the eggs and sugar mixture until thick and when you write an 8 on top, it will stay on top for awhile. It takes a while to beat until that consistency. Good Luck!

  8. You´re welcome!. Ur chocolate swiss roll look really good, my kids love it. Last time, I tried to make a roll cake, but it came to break in some places. I saw that you rolled it up while the cake still warm. Thanks.

  9. Hi Retno,
    Yes, for this swiss roll I have to roll it while it's still warm, softer and easier to roll. :)

  10. iam chocolate lover, urs made me mouthwatering! share please :P

  11. I love swiss roll :)

  12. Lia,
    Help yourself! :)

    Cooking ninja,
    Me too! :)


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