Monday, August 13, 2007

Pad Thai/Phad Thai My Way

I bought a thin Thai rice stick noodle recently just because it caught my eyes. Was thinking to probably fry mee siam with it since it's very thin. Then, not sure what happen it became Pad Thai. I guess I needed to use the lime that I bought last week. I have the tendency to buy limes and then I have no idea what to do with it. Normally it just sat in my refrigerator and turned bad!

All I know was Pad Thai needed to have fish sauce, tamarind juice and sugar and I have all of those so I was all set for my Pad Thai experiment.
So here sharing with you my imprompto version. If you like your pad thai really sweet, just add more sugar. Drizzle more fresh lime juice for a more sour taste.


1 packet of Thai rice stick dry noodle
1 chicken breast, sliced and marinated with fish sauce, garlic powder & cornstarch
1 big bowl of baby bok choy, sliced
2 Tbsp. of dried shrimps, soaked til soften, drained
3 cloves of garlic, chopped
2 eggs, beaten

2-3 Tbsp. tamarind soaked in 1 cup of hot water, sieved & reserved juice
2 tsp. sugar
Fish sauce to taste
1 tsp. dark soy sauce (just a little because it's not supposed to be black)
2 tsp. Thai chili powder
Salt to taste

Toasted ground peanuts
Thai chili powder (if you like it spicy)
Fresh lime wedges to drizzle before serving

This is how the noodle looks like, soaking in warm water to soften. I also added 2 tsp. of chicken stock granules in the soaking water.


1. Heat oil in a frying pan. When heated, fry the beaten eggs, set aside.

2. Add a little more oil if needed, add in chicken, dried shrimp, stir-fry until chicken cooked through. Add in garlic and bok choy. Stir-well.

3. Add in some fish sauce, then the noodle, then the tamarind juice. Stir- well to mix and make sure the noodle is cooked through. Add in more water if needed. Then, add in the sugar, dark soy sauce, chili powder and season to taste with more fish sauce. Keep stirring until the noodle is cooked through and soaking up all the sauce.

4. Serve on the plate, sprinkle with more chili powder if you like it spicy and toasted peanuts. Drizzle with the lime juice before eating.

Note: Use any ingredients you have in your house would do.


  1. Oooo! Yummy Phat Thai noodles. I just bought some thai rice stick noodles too! :)

  2. I used to have this habit of buying lemon and limes even they were not planned for. Eventually, after I threw away too many lemons and limes, I had to stop myself from buying them. So explains why I have not thought of cooking Pad Thai :P

  3. ahh.. love a good stir fry. Your pad thai looks really delicious. Especially with the generous sprinkling of peanuts! hehehe

  4. its fantastic! i have been tried ones in Thailand resto, thanks for share :)

  5. hi,
    i believe the original spelling of the noodle is phad thai,not "phat thai"

  6. V, are you going to cook Pad Thai?

    Oh right, don't buy when it's not planned for. I still have 1.5 in the refrigerator! *sigh*

    Thanks daphne! Love all those peanuts! LOL!

    Thanks Isha, retno, lia! :)

    Hi Anon,
    Noted. I just changed it! Thanks!

  7. One of my fav. thai dishes is pad thai, but never tried cooking it before. Might try your recipe one day. Thanks!

  8. Just stopping by and this pad thai caught my eyes and making me drool ^_^


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