Friday, August 10, 2007

Golden Bread Shrimp Rolls

This recipe has been with me for 19 years. I was asked to prepare a dish in the final day of my secondary school cooking class. At that young age, I knew nothing about cooking, let alone came out with a recipe. Thus, this recipe was courtesy of my mom. I recalled I really enjoyed the cooking class but have completely no idea how I ended out in that class (Maybe we have an option of cooking or sewing?). Anyway, Janet, if you are reading this, do you still remember? I remembered we made yam ring together because you were my partner. I think you helped me cooked this dish too because I remembered you mixing the shrimps with curry powder? Correct me if I'm wrong! It is ages ago!

Recipe is posted at I posted this recipe in 1999 when was just launched. I received a very negative review in 2003 and I was telling myself, I can't believe she ruined this for me. Come on, who is going to try a recipe with a one star rating, at least I won't. Then, recently I found out I got another review and it was 5 stars!! How happy that made me and kudo to him to give this one star recipe a try and loved it! So, calling all readers, if you tried this recipe of mine and loved it and is a member of, PLEASEEEE go and give me a good review okay? Preferably 4 stars and above a little love or support for me leh. *so thick face*

Okay, I took the trouble to snap step-by-step pictures here. This recipe is very easy and you should have all the ingredients at home. I made this again because I want to post a picture at Allrecipe with the intention to entice or seduce more people to give this a try. :P Please do go to allrecipes for the complete recipe.

Click next for step-by-step pictures guide:


  • 10 shelled and deveined shrimp
  • 5 slices white bread, cut in half
  • 1/2 onion, thinly sliced
  • 2 teaspoons curry powder
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 egg, beaten

Shrimps marinated with curry powder & sliced onion, white bread, 1 beaten egg.

Cut the brown part off bread.

Roll the bread flat with a roller.

Cut it into half.

Place the shrimp with tail sticking out and top with onion.

Brush the top side of the bread with beaten egg.

Roll it up.

Ready to deep-fry in hot oil. Fry til golden brown. Drain on paper towel.

Tada! The finished product! Very presentable appetizer or snack!

Have I convinced you to try it yet? ;)


  1. Lots of onion in your crispy shrimp roll, yum!

  2. oh wow! this looks super yummy! *droolz* I will try it when I can! :)

  3. I like the step by step picture.. and the Shrimp looks yummy to me.. not sure why ppl give 1 star. I am very tempting to try but i just hate deep frying in my kitchen. Actually i hate the clean up work not the deep fry part hee..

  4. YES. You have convinced me to try it out though I have promised myself not to do deep-frying!!! I like the taste of deep=fried bread. :O

    Did you have an option of cooking or sewing? We had to do both in sec school and sewing classes always bring me nightmares the day before.

  5. Looks good to me! I don't believe in those ratings cos everyone has their own individual taste, shall try this out when I've got time :)

  6. How beautiful....I never would have thought to wrap the bread around the shrimp. I've had shrimp toasts, but this is such a genius way to prepare!

    This is a definite must try for me....

  7. Hi V,
    Yeah..because I don't want to waste the onion. LOL!

    Thanks! Do let me know if you like it.

    She thought the bread was too oily. I'm not sure whether she flatten the bread first or not.

    Hooray! I have convinced you! Feedback to me ya!

    Hmm...I don't remember me sewing anything, so I guess I did have an option. LOL!

    Hi Lin,
    Oh thanks, hope you will like it!

    Thanks! Do let me know how it turned out for you ya! :)

  8. Just ignore those idiots who don:t know what they are missing out on!

  9. Sounds delicious! Ive come up with a huge collection of great dinner ideas and Im adding this to it!

  10. Wouw, I give you 5 stars! looks scrumptious.

  11. Okay vb. :)

    Thanks! :)

    Thank you Retno! :D

  12. Hello there!
    Wow, this 'bread shrimp rolls''s very creative and i'm sure it's yummy!

    Haha, i've never thought and seen any one else wrapping bread roung the shrimps eh! This is smth new and thanks for the 'step-by-step' teaching!!


  13. This is a great appetizer and I strongly ask people to try it out. When I was young, I remembered my family would order a similar appetizer like yours from a restaurant. We (especially the kids) love it very much! The only difference is that the restaurant didn't wrap the shrimp with bread. Somehow, they sticked the shrimp on top of a bread and deep fried it. I am going to try your recipe if I have time. Thanks for sharing!

  14. wow... this definately looks good and simple! will give this a try soon.

  15. Hi Zhengning,
    Thanks for dropping by and you are welcome with the step-by-step! :)

    Hi Elena,
    You're welcome! Hope you like this too. :)

    Hi Baking Fiend,
    Cool, hope you like it and feedback ya!

  16. Ooooooh! I love Fried Stuff!!! Soooo easy to eat ... can stuff my face with soooooooo many!!! LOL!!

    I tried using mee hoon the other day at a BBQ at my place ... the mee hoon came a part fall off!!! It was a huge mess!!!

    Should have tried yr method!!!

    BTW, do you know how to make it with yam?? You mentioned Yam Ring. If you have the recipe, can you please share??

    Anyway, I have another BBQ this coming Labor Day Holiday. Will definately serve this!


  17. wow, this really easy, luv to try it oneday. thanks for the hard work for taking those step by step pic. i'll give u 5 star ^_^

  18. Thanks Andaliman! You should try it! :)

    Hi Tricia,
    Yeah, try this at your next BBQ, it's a great party appertizer! I used to make this for my party too and everyone loved it!

    I don't have the yam ring recipe lah because it was my teacher recipe and it has been 19 years, I didn't even recall what I put in the yam before deep-frying. But, I found a recipe here, you can try hers if you like.

    Thanks Isha! You are so kind! :)

  19. Hello LCOM, I'm a new visitor of your blog...OMG DROOLZ>>>>>they look soooo yummy!!!!

  20. Thanks for the referral. Can't wait to try the yam with yr shrimp recipe!!!

  21. wah! Looks good! The step by step guideline is really helpful too! mmm...

  22. Hi, welcome to my blog, beev! :)

    You're welcome Tricia! :)

    Thanks daphne! But you are not convinced? ;P

  23. Ching, you are always so innovative.

  24. I love this!

    I'm going to defosed some shrimps and try it out... NOW!!!

    Thanks for sharing..

  25. Thanks Edith! But this was taught by my mom lah. :P

    Wow cool, finally some one got motivated! You're welcome Ning's Mummy, hope you like it. :)

  26. The only thing that I don't like about this recipe is that the bread tends to soak up the oil...other than that, it's shrimp, so what's there not to like. ;)

  27. Hi Rasa Malaysia,
    Thanks for dropping by again! :) Yes, that tends to happen to all the deep-fry bread related recipe. Like a cushion for oil so cannot eat this too often.

  28. Thanks for sharing the recipe,
    It looks great!

  29. I'm totally intrigued. Does this recipe have a heritage?

  30. Sorry if this gets posted twice - my computer fritzed and I'm not sure if it went through.

    Just wanted to say real quick that I found your blog through TasteSpotting and I think these look super tasty! I am going to have to try these.

    I also clicked through to the allrecipes link and had to say I laughed at loud at the one-star reviewer, who was basically like, "So I significantly altered a major ingredient in this recipe and realize this but my version sucked so this recipe does too!"

  31. You're welcome Cindy and thanks!

    Marc, I'm not sure but it has been in Malaysian households for a long time.

    Hi Melanie, you just posted it once actually. :) Yeah, I think it's best to use the cheap store brand fresh white bread and roll the bread really thin for best result. Hope you like this crispy treat! ;)


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