Saturday, July 21, 2007

Chinese Rice Bowl Pudding

A good friend of ours came by on Saturday and I decided to make him a treat. I made this Chinese rice bowl pudding that looks like chwee kuih but actually it's a wah kuih. First time trying this and glad that it turned out well and my guest said it's very good. :)

I used Gina's Wah Kuih recipe. The differences I noticed between wah kuih and chwee kuih are for the pudding, wah kuih has wheat starch in it and thus making it more chewy/bouncy in texture as opposed to soft. Also, wah kuih has more ingredients in filling as opposed to just chai por. Before this, I have not heard of wah kuih.

As for my filling, I added dark soy sauce and sugar when stir-frying. Also drizzled some Sriracha hot sauce for extra spiciness. I didn't bother to steam the filling with the rice pudding together (lazy me as you know!), therefore it might look more like a chwee kuih.

Stay tuned for what I did with the extra rice cake. ;) Or you would love a guess?


  1. Looks really nice ... must hv been alot of work.

  2. This last photo is one of my favs on your blog! great contrast in colors!

  3. Look soooooo good! Will trade you lemon cheesecake for wah kuih. LOL!

  4. Ching, the way it was served in the old days was to steam it in a Rice bowl. thus the name as Rice bowl pudding came about. This dish is a Hokkien recipe. In Taiwan, they served it with salted egg yolk..!

  5. Wah...long time never eat Wah Kuih! It's even quite hard to find this back in Singapore. Almost like a "lost art"
    Your "wah" (bowl) too small...I think need to eat six! Wooo...can imagine how tasty this is.

  6. pretty cup rice cake u got there!...seldom see this kuih nowadays...would like to try out later...

  7. Hi vb,
    Not too bad, just that I could only steam 5 rice bowls at once, so it took a while to steam everything.

    Thanks steamykitchen! :)

    V, no problem! ;)

    Gina, thanks for stopping by. :) Yeah but me lazy....hehehe... Thanks for posting the recipe, it's delicious!

    Tigerfish, WOW, six is a lot lah! This rice bowl quite filling one or. :P

    Thanks Sweet Jasmine. Let me know if you like it. :)

  8. I've never had wah kuih before either but this looks really good!! Did u make Chai Tow Kway with ur leftovers?? : )

  9. Hi Jane ... Lucky me! First time here (thanks to Ray) and I get to slurrrp on one of my favourite kuih. I agree with steamykitchen - that pic is a fine screen saver!

    So what did you do with the extra rice cake? Ketupat? I am hopeless in the kitchen. :(

  10. Blur_mommy,
    Thanks! And you got it right!! :D

    Hi Rita,
    Welcome to my blog! :)
    Good guess but it's not Ketupat, hehehe...

  11. aiyah, thought you were going to give a recipe on how to make chwee kueh. hehehe ... your kueh looks super delicious.

  12. Cooking ninja,
    You can find the chwee kueh recipe follow the link I provided. Gina also has chwee kuih recipe there.


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