Monday, July 23, 2007

Chai Tau Kuih My Way

Blur_mommy, you got it right! :) Great guess!

Even though I called this dish Chai Tau Kuih but there is no Chai Tau (radish) in this. I used my leftover rice pudding from the wah kuih, cut it into cubes, added some scallion, bean sprouts, chai por, shrimps, garlic, eggs and some of the leftover topping for the wah kuih to come out with this. The sauce for this dish is simple, just dark soy sauce, soy sauce, sugar, chili paste and white pepper.

Haven't had this for a long time, so this dish was very satisfying. As you can see, I made it quite spicy too! Next time I can probably just make the rice cake to make this dish. Since it has wheat starch in it, the shape holds up really well during stir-frying, it won't turn mushy and soft. One thing though, I need to do better with my eggs, should have stir-fry the eggs first, take it out and add in later since my eggs seem to be missing from all the stir-frying (and I want to see big pieces of fried eggs!).


  1. Hmm..I haven´t had this one and really want to try it. I used to eat sweet puding rice.

  2. So unexpected that you made chai tau kuih with the leftover rice pudding. Chai Tau Kuih is one of my favorites-and I like my Chai Tau Kuih "black"...just like how you did it. But I think usually they add sweet sauce- did you?

  3. fantastic! i bet its really yummy *drooling*

  4. Wah!! Very impressive!!!!!! Good way to "recycle" yr leftover kueh.........I'd never hv thought of it..and looks so yummy too! Saliva dripping here........

  5. Very Clever! no radish(chai tau) also can made Chai Tau Kuih....must taste delicious too..

  6. I love this dish too... and I love the eggs to be still abit runny and stuck to the kuih... yummy... oh yes, lotsa dark sauce and chai poh!

  7. Hi belacan
    Wah are innovative :-)000

  8. Retno, you should try it. :)

    Tigerfish, I didn't have sweet sauce so I replaced it with dark soy sauce plus sugar. ;)

    Thanks Isha! :)

    Thanks VB! That's how I recycle all my rice kuih. LOL!

    Thanks Sweet Jasmine! Yes, it's delish! :)

    Baking Fiend, my wok didn't do a good job when added the eggs. Hmmm...perhaps I should use my non-stick pan instead?

    Thanks Chawanmushi! :)

  9. Your chai tau kuih is making me lau-nuah! (mouth watering liao)
    I think I will try making the wah kuih just to fry this. Did you know that Lily had an entry in her blog on growing your own tau-gay? I'm going to try that and when they're done, I'm going to make the wah kuih and fry my own chai tau kuih. Wish me luck!

  10. Tatiana,
    Yes, I'm aware of that entry in Lily's blog. So, good luck to you on planting your own tau-gay and making wah kuih and chai tau kuih! It's really good and so worth it. Wish I can see a picture of your finish chai tau kuih. :)

  11. Yippee!! I'm right!!! So do I win the Chai Tau Kuih??? I send u my address?? hahaha.... Anyway, it looks yummy!! I love Chai Tow Kueh but don't really like the raw turnip smell. I will have to try this out. : )

  12. Dear Little Corner of Mine,

    Using leftovers to create a brand new dish is a talent in itself. You are a good homemaker.

  13. wow. that looks amazing. YUM. I miss that... hmmm.. hv to try to make something like that in Perth too. I like mine with lots of chai poh and chilli! hehehe Good on you for thinking up creative ideas for dealing with some excess wah kuih.

  14. Thanks Blur Mommy! Yup, give this a try, taste very similar if you asked me. :)

    Thank you Lee Ping. :) I always trying to reuse my leftover.

    Thanks Daphne! Then, you must love chai poh eggs too, something so simple yet so good isn't it?


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