Monday, June 04, 2007

Brown Sugar Kaya

I decided to experiment with my food again. Instead of the Pandan Kaya that I normally made, I tried my hand on the brown sugar kaya. The color of this kaya is quite yucky isn't it? LOL!

I used the same recipe just omitted the pandan extract and substituted the sugar with brown sugar and put everything in my breadmaker. It turned out in clumps and liquid separated, unlike the nice texture I got from my pandan kaya. Don't ask me why because I have no clue, thus I have to blend everything in a blender and turned out like the above.

Tastewise, it was like kaya with the fragrant of brown sugar (I did cut down on the sugar), not too bad at all. But I just dislike the color of this kaya, not appertizing looking at all. Guess next time I better stick with my pandan kaya. :P Or if I brave enough, I might experiment it with white sugar without the pandan extract and see what color it would produce. Hehe...


  1. Hi Hi!

    Thats a really funny looking kaya, i wonder now it taste like :)

    How about showing us some green tea kaya?


  2. Dear Little Corner of Mine,

    I think brown sugar kaya is a brilliant idea. My friend suggested that I use colorless pandan extract because she is not a fan of the artificial green color. I cannot find it here at the local store. So, I think substituting the pandan extract with the color from the brown sugar is ingenious!

    A photographing tip: If you put the brown sugar kaya in a dark colored attractive container, it will look better in photo.

  3. Hi Ning's mummy,
    Ning is a cutiepie! This kaya tasted pretty good actually, got coconut milk + brown sugar, can't go wrong with this combo.

    Green tea kaya is a great idea! Who knows, I might just give it a try. ;) Thanks!

    Hi Lee Ping,
    Thanks for your photographing tip. :)

    I don't like the colorless pandan extract actually because it tastes superficial. Give this a try because it tasted pretty good. I think it would taste even better with some Gula Melaka added to it. 3:1 combo. If not, the above Green Tea kaya sounds pretty darn good too! ;)

  4. How interesting! Will try that next.:)

  5. Green tea kaya, hymm, that is a great idea. The color won't look so artificial and the result is fragrant as well. :)

  6. Hi there! At 1st glance I thought you featured something yummy for your little princess. LOL!!!

    Don't worry about the looks. It's going to be covered by slices of bread anyway.

    BTW, I am going to try your Green Tea Pound Cake tonight! Can't wait!

  7. V, let me know if you like it!

    Lee Ping, if you try it first, let me know the result. :)

    LOL! Tricia, that's funny! Great, let me know how your green tea pound cake turned out. :)

  8. I probably won't try it anytime soon. I still have left-over kaya. I wonder how long will kaya keep in the fridge. Now, I am afraid to open it because it may be moldy inside. Perhaps I should ask my hubby to check it later...

    I used the kaya recipe from Lydia Teh / Lazy Chef's blog. I finally figure out why some kaya look smoother than the others, they put their kaya in the blender, instead of churning away on the stove for hours!

  9. Hi Lee Ping,

    Actually that's not true. I used to cook my kaya on the stove for one and half hours (only 2-3 eggs used, that's why shorter time) and it turned out really smooth, as smooth as those blended one. You can actually see the picture from my kaya link. My first pandan kaya cooked in saucepan, very smooth. Later, I got lazy and learned of this breadmaker trick and have been using breadmaker ever since. To me, only those kaya made with breadmaker needs to be blended in a blender to get the smooth surface. With breadmaker, the consistency is unpredictable and the use of a blender is a must.

    I have no idea how long kaya can be put in the fridge too, that's why I only made a little at a time, like 2 eggs small quantity.

  10. Believe it or not, the kaya still looks good. It has been at least 3 weeks now. Thanks for the explanation.

  11. Oh Hi, I made Kaya few days ago substituted with extra dark brown sugar but had cut down the sugar to 300gram to the normal 10 eggs: 400 gram: 2 coconuts.

    Double boiled it. Well, I wasn't really satisfied with the result. I think it could have been better. I found the ratios mentioned above came out too thick.

    My mom said mine tasted like gula melaka (cos of the extra dark brown sugar I used, haha).

    Anyways, will omit here and there to experiment with it. My blog is Feel free to visit and have a stroll. Cheers!


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