Monday, May 21, 2007

Satay Dinner

I decided to make chicken satay again because it was so easy. And since I have some leftover toasted peanuts from my porridge dinner yesterday, it prompted me to cook nasi lemak to accompany the satay. I also made some simple onion sambal for the nasi lemak. Evy loved the satay and kept saying, "It's delicious, mommy". :)

Eventhough it is so easy to make but still can't eat it too often because the peanut sauce uses coconut milk which is high in fat. But certainly it won't be years before I make satay again. :)


  1. Does your peanut sauce have a peanut buttery taste or does it taste creamy and peanut-ty? I've tried many peanut sauce recipes that use peanut butter as an ingredient. The result of which is a very peanut butter tasting sauce. I really dislike that type of taste.

  2. Dear Little Corner of Mine,

    I just linked to your post from my tag, "favorite food".

    Thanks for this great idea. Satay as an accompaniment to Nasi Lemak. Simply Brilliant!

  3. Hi speedoflight,

    Mine doesn't taste like peanut butter at all because I used a lot of toasted ground peanuts (up to 3/4 cup) in my sauce thus making it peanut-ty. The peanut butter just to make it creamy in this case. What you can do is used less peanut butter and more toasted ground peanuts and you won't have the peanut butter tasting satay sauce that you dislike. ;)

    Thanks Lee Ping! They do go well together. :)

  4. Hi there, just made your satay over the weekend. Unfortunately, mine came out dry. Any suggestions??

    BTW do you grill it on high heat or med-high?

  5. Hi Tricia,

    Did you brush your satay with cooking oil on both sides when you grill it? Not just a dab here and there, but really brush it with oil. We definitely don't want a dry satay.

    I used in-door grill and I set my temp. to 350'F.

  6. Yes! Yes! But, knowing my hubby, he probably didn't continue brushing it after I showed him!!!

    Anyway, I marinated some pork chops with your satay mix for tomorrow's BBQ.

    Hopefully, it will turn out much better!!


  7. Hello Little Corner of Mine,
    I stumbled across your blog a few weeks ago and have been checking it almost every day from my office desk in London, during my lunch break while eating my lunch - it makes my lunch of boring sandwiches taste bearable!!
    Your kids are so cute; one day when I become a Mum I hope to be as dedicated as you!
    Dancing Duck
    PS> I know you said you have no measurements for the chicken satay, but roughly what portions of each spice do you recommend? Thanks very much!

  8. Tricia, oh yeah for chicken breasts you just have to brush it with oil since it doesn't have any fat to begin with. But pork chops should be good!

    Hmm...I think I should marinate some pork chops and ask my hubby to BBQ also. Hehe... :)

    Hi Zada/Dancing Duck,
    Welcome to my humble blog. Your comment alone is enough to make me continue blogging and taking pictures. :)

    Ok, here's my "rough estimate" for one big chicken breast. Of course cut the breast into pieces and marinate with about:
    2 tsp. tumeric powder
    2-3 tsp. cumin powder
    1 tsp. coriander powder
    1/2 tsp. lemon grass powder
    1/2 tsp. fennel seeds powder
    salt to taste
    2-3 Tbp. brown sugar

    Hope it helps! :)


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