Thursday, May 17, 2007

Lily's Apam Balik

I decided to try Lily's Apam Balik recipe because I love this snack and I have all the ingredients at home. I used my small non-stick pan because I don't have a crepe pan. I did cover my pan with lid while waiting for it to cook. Then I put a dollop of spreable butter, sprinkled a little sugar and toasted peanuts on one side before fold it into half and served (Great with cream corn and fresh grated coconut too!). Mine turned out crispy when hot and soft when cold. Anyway, it's still a good recipe and we really enjoyed it. It's best to serve it hot though. Thanks Lily! :)

I will have to cut the recipe in half the next time I make it because it's just too much batter for a small family like us.


  1. Dear Little Corner of Mine,

    Did you use Lye Water?

    Lee Ping

  2. Hi Lee Ping,
    No, I did not use Lye Water.

  3. ching

    you would have to make the pancake very thinly - almost like a biscuit, then it will remain crispy.

    lee ping

    the lye water is added to the thick ban jian kuih recipe. This one is with baking soda.

  4. Lily,

    Mine is quite thin leh. But not only the middle turn soft, the side (which normally is thin and crispy) also turn soft after cold leh. But I did toast the soft/cold one in the toaster oven for a little while and it turned crispy again.

  5. My Apam Balik or Ban Jian Kuih is not as thick as Lily's. Perhaps it is because I did not use Baking Soda or Lye Water. I used Baking Powder only.

  6. lye water the same as alkaline water? I have a recipe for this soft & thick ban jian kuih that uses alkaline water and yeast but I have yet to try it. Thinking to substitute the alkaline water with baking soda or just omit it.

    I tried one with baking soda but without yeast and it came out like pancake instead of the thick ban jian kuih that has those honeycomb effect.

  7. Oh by the way Lee Ping, Yochana has one recipe that uses Eno salt so perhaps you would like to check that out. :)

  8. Ching,

    from my knowledge, lye water is alkaline water.

    if it turns soft when cold, u can also out in a pan over the stove to warm it and it'll be crisp again. :)


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