Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Green Tea Pound Cake

I made a marbled green tea pound cake to a friend's house recently and Evy loved it. And since I have all the ingredients at home, I made another one for her but this time I made it all green tea. This recipe was adapted from Kraftfood~ Grandma's Pound Cake; and definitely a keeper recipe for me. It is just as good without changing anything in the recipe, the pure vanilla extract itself made the cake Mmm..so good.

My Adapted Green Tea Pound Cake Recipe:
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, softened
1 cup sugar
1/2 pkg. (4 oz) Philadelphia cream cheese, softened
3 eggs
1 cup flour
1/2 Tbp. baking powder
1 tsp. green tea powder (for baking)
1/2 tsp. salt


1. Preheat oven to 350ºF. Beat butter in large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed 1 min. Gradually add sugar, beating well after each addition. Beat an additional 5 min. or until very light and fluffy. Add cream cheese; beat 1 min. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.

2. Combine flour, baking powder, green tea powder and salt. Add to butter mixture. Beat 1 min or until well blended. Pour batter into greased and floured 8 1/2 x 3 1/2 loaf pan and bake for 40 minutes.


  1. wow! green tea pound cake sounds yummy and healthy at the same time. May I know where did you get the green tea powder?

  2. Hi, Love your blog. So thrilled to see this recipe. Can u let us know where u get this green tea pwdr? I live in Toronto, Canada by the way. Thx!!

  3. Hi,

    I have been following your blog for some months now and have always enjoyed reading your blog entries. I have been looking for a simple pound cake recipe and am so happy to see yours here. I will definitely give it a try. But I have a question on the butter. What is the weight of 1 stick of butter? I am in Singapore and we have like 250g and 125g and recently something like 227gm (from Anlene). So what should I use for 1 stick of butter? Thanks for taking the time to read this. By the way, your kids are really cute :)


  4. Dear Little Corner of Mine,

    Where can I buy green tea powder?

    Lee Ping

  5. Hi Novice baker, Lee Ping & Anon,
    I got my green tea powder from Malaysia. The brand is Redman and is used for baking only.

    Hi Serena,
    1 stick of butter here is 4 oz or 113gm. So, half of the butter from Anlene is the closest match.

  6. belachan, is it ok if i ship the packet stuff first? cos i went out and bought them the very week we talked and it's still sitting at my house. very worried about expiration date!

    i went to phoon huat just this past weekend and still no look ( i had the chance to go to 2 different ones), plus i pop by sun like about 3 weeks ago. i think the fish pattern is something they order during new year? the phoon huat lady keeps saying "coming coming"

    so sorry about the mould.....

  7. Pink,

    Just ship the packet stuff would do, don't worry about the fish mould. I already asked my friend who is going back to S'pore to get me the mould.

    So sorry to have trouble you this long. I shouldn't accepted your offer in the first place. Sorry ah! And thank you so much for getting me the packet stuff. :)

  8. Little Corner of Mine, Thanks!

  9. Hi there! Wow! Green Tea Pound Cake!! Looks really good! Can't wait to actually try it.

    Got a question, though. On your recipe you mentioned green tea for baking. Are there different kinds??

    BTW, your viewer who lives in Toronto, may I suggest J-town Market on Victoria Park and Steeles. I don't know if they have it or not, but that's a good place to start.

  10. You're welcome Lee Ping.

    Tricia, yes, there are green tea powder for making tea or drink. Green tea powder for baking comes in a very small bottle and it actually said it's for baking use.

  11. Dear Little Corner of Mine,

    I found some green tea powder (for drinking). So last night, using your recipe, I attempted the green tea pound cake. It was a hit with my family. My middle child ate 2 pieces. She loves the crust. It tastes great straight out of the oven but it also tastes good overnight (still soft and moist). I am having it for breakfast this morning. :)

    My older child suggested green tea ice cream to top this cake. It was brilliant. The warmth from the cake combined with the cold from the ice cream was divine. I took a photo of it and will post it on my blog in the near future.

  12. So good to read that Lee Ping! Glad that your children love it and can't wait to see your photo in your blog.

    That idea your older child came out with was brilliant indeed. :)

  13. grin. i should have been more on the ball but my work has been amazing recently. i hope my bonus will be as amazing!


  14. Dear Ching,

    I have just posted green tea pound cake using your recipe.

    Come by when you have some time.

    p/s I also replied to the comment that you left me yesterday. :)

  15. Pink, I'm sure your bonus will be amazing! :)

    Lee Ping, will do! :)

  16. Made your Green Tea Cake yesterday using Green Tea Powder for drinking. Came out really nice. But, I think I will double the green tea powder next time.

    Couldn't really taste the green tea.

    Thanks for the recipe.

  17. You're welcome Tricia, glad you like the cake. Thanks for the feedback. :)

  18. Hi Ching,
    tried ur green tea butter cake this afternoon. It was really yummy. Thks for sharing this recipe!


  19. You are welcome jeanie! Glad you like it just as we do. :)

  20. Hi Ching,
    Made this cake this morning and it was delicious. I love the colour of the cake and the very subtle taste of the green tea. Thanks for sharing.

  21. You're welcome June and thanks for the feedback. Glad you like it! :)

  22. Hi,

    I am from Malaysia and I would like to know what is the cup measurement you used for this pound cake recipe.

    Would appreciate if you can give me the gm measurement.

    Thank you.

  23. Hi Ling,

    1/2 cup butter = 113gm

    1 cup sugar = 225gm

    1 cup flour = 110gm

    Hope it helps!

  24. Hi Ching,
    After looking at your delish cakes, I think i want to get a bundt cake pan. What type and size do you recommend and where did you get yours from.

    thanks June

  25. Hi June,
    You are back! :) Not hungry meh? LOL! Oh yeah, you can come after you had your lunch/dinner, then won't be hungry after looking at my pictures lor. ;)

    You have to double the above recipe if you want to bake it in a bundt pan. I bought mine at WalMart for $8+. But you can go look at Ross, they might have better quality one for the same price or less. Or you can try your luck at the Castle Rock outlet kitchen store, it might be cheaper if it's on sales, perhaps $6+. If you don't have time to shop like me, the WalMart one is fine, or you can buy the Wilton brand one, it's at WalMart too! I do know that during Christmas, WalMart sells a lot of baking pans and it's always on clearance after the holiday season is over. I also don't know what size, but is the usual big one lah, not the smaller ones. Good luck!

  26. Hi Ching,
    Thanks for the information. I will go and check it out. I made the chocolate cake today and it was great! But I still prefer your green tea cake. yummy!! How did you get the cake to come out without breaking..must share your secret!

  27. Hi June,
    I used PAM for baking with flour and spray the pan thoroughly. When the cake is out of the oven, let the cake sit in the pan for 15 mins before inverting the cake to cool completely on the cooling rack. The cake will just drop right out. If you don't let the cake cool in the pan, it will break into pieces (experience here!). So, remember to let the cake sit in the pan for 15 mins first. Or you can grease and flour the pan the conventional way.

  28. Thanks Ching, I am going to try that and make the pandan version. I will add in some pandan juice as well as the pandan essence more pandan flavor. Hope it works!!

  29. Hi Little Corner of Mine,

    your cake looks delicious! However, I'm not very fond of cream cheese. Do you think I could replace that by plain yoghurt?


  30. Hi Anon,
    I'm not sure, you can try because I think it could work out.

  31. Hi,

    Would it make a difference to use fat free cream cheese. Also, what kind of flour did you use, all-purpose or cake flour? Thanks.

  32. Hi Anon,
    Shouldn't be a problem and I used all purpose flour.

  33. Oh thank you Mei-Leng for your compliment. :) Hope you found the balance in your experiment. I have no knowledge of gluten free flour so can't help you there. Sorry! But seem like your first cake is a success. :)

  34. Hi LCOM,
    I made this green tea pound cake last week. It was a hit!!!!! Superbly delicious! But i find it a bit 'oily'....do u think i can reduce the amount of cream cheese and butter in the recipe? And what should i substitute with? Apple sauce? What do u think?

    Great job! Great Cake! Simply delicious!

  35. Hi dumb-baker,
    Glad you like this cake. I don't know whether you can cut down on the butter/cream cheese or not. But if you like to experiment, you can try to cut down on a little butter but not sure the result will be as moist. Not sure about apple sauce, I never use this as a substitute in my cake.

  36. HI

    would love to try this recipe. got a question though, my loaf pan is 9 by 5 inches. Do i need to increase the qty of the ingredients? if yes, by how much? tks


  37. Hi Octopusmum,
    I guess you can double the recipe and if there is any leftover batter, just bake it as cupcakes.

  38. HI little corner of mine

    thks for your advice...will try it later this week! btw, i have been following your blog and really impressed that you can manage to bake / cook with 2 young kids! wondering how u manage...

  39. You're welcome octopusmum. Guess my girls are pretty obedient type. Edda just sit still and see me do whatever. Evy wants to help in baking, so I will let her cut the cookie for me, or pour in my measured ingredients, etc. No problem at all for me.

  40. wow, envy envy! hope my youngest who is 3+ is like that too..sometimes he will play by himself but most of the time he will "disturb" me...and just last wk, he wanted to eat the batter! so i will usually avoid complicated and time consuming recipes. btw, your 2 girls are v cute and adorable!


  41. Hi,

    Can u show me the mehod of making this recipe?

    thanks alot;

  42. hello there..umm, pls forgive me if i ask a silly question..may i know how you put the 'little corner of mine' words onto the picture? i can't figure out how to do it on my pictures as i want to post them in my online-group photo gallery..can you please help?

    thanks a bunch =)

  43. You have to upload your picture to Adobe Photoshop and click on text and write whatever you want and save. You need to have a software that enable you to do that.

  44. oic..which mean i have to do everything with the software, save the file and then only upload it to the site? oic..i always thought that the site will help you do that, you know the 'tagging' or 'description' thing but i always fail to do it..thanks little corner of mine..

    gong xi fa cai to you and family!! may the year of ox bring you more cheers and happiness..

  45. Yes beginner and thanks for your well wishes. Wishing the same to you as well and gong xi, gong xi, gong xi fa cai!

  46. I tried this today but used 2 tsp of green tea powder and added 1 tsp of vanilla extract and it was gorgeous! Fragrant, moist and buttery with a nice hint to cheese - perfectly balanced! Thank you for sharing this recipe and greeting from Singapore :-)

  47. Thanks for the feedback Alicia, glad you like it. I adore this cake.

  48. Hi

    I just made this today and I didnt read your reply to one your readers that I have to double the recipe for bundt!!!

    Silly me, I was hoping for the cake to be able to rise higher to the occasion. Turns out to be a pretty short cake.

    And my cake seemed to be stuck to the pan....thus, the top pattern is not defined, some parts are even stuck & I had to scrape it off using a knife.

    I brushed some oil & abit of flour over before pouring the mixture in...did I mix our on something? I did let it stand and cool down too.


  49. Hi NG,

    For bundt pan, it's slightly tricky. You really need to apply the oil generously and flour it well for it to come out well. I used the PAM spray for baking (with flour) and let it cool in pan for 10-15 minutes before turning it over. Otherwise, it will break apart.

  50. Hi,

    Your green tea pound cake looks delicious. May I know can I use cake flour instead of All Purpose Flour?
    When i go through the comment you stated 1 cup flour = 110 gms. Will it be same if I use cake flour?
    I am new in baking.


  51. Hi BabeIpoh,
    Please refer to my right panel under Easy Conversion and Cup to Gram Conversion, print it out for future reference. Because now they have a newer conversion and it's different from what I stated previously. I think cake flour and AP flour might be a slight different in weight. Frankly, you don't have to use cake flour because this cake is really soft and moist and delicious as it is.

  52. Hi,

    thank you for sharing this recipe. I had baked this twice and turned succesfully, however, last night i tried once again and the cake is really wet and collapsed right after i took out from the oven.

    Honestly, i dont know where it went wrong. Could you please advise ?

    thank you very much in advance...
    i really really want to able to bake this cake again .. as this recipe is superb and wonderful !!

    Once again, thank you


  53. Hi Melita, I don't know what went wrong, but if it's wet, that's means it's not cooked yet. Before bring it out from the oven, test it with a toothpick first, if the toothpick is wet, it's not cooked, you need to bake it longer. Hope it helps.


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