Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Edda is Sitting

Edda is sitting at 6 months. She turned 6 months today but she started sitting at about 5 and half months. Currently basically got a taste of what we were eating during meals (she loves everything we eat!). Her main meal is oatmeal cereal or/and squash/green beans/ sweet potatoes. Just because her mommy is too lazy to cook porridge for her. LOL! Of course sometimes I will include some fruit like strawberry, banana or pear. I will only cook her fish porridge if I feel like it for now. :P

As usual, Evy wants a piece of the action too! :o)


  1. awww... wad a sweetie, love her smile!

    time passed by so fast, little Edda's oredi 6 mths old!

  2. Ching, Edda's so cute and adorable!! And Evy getting prettier n prettier :-).

  3. Dear Little Corner of Mine,

    Your kids are beautiful. They are blessed to have a great mother.

    God Bless...

  4. You have very cute & pretty girls!!! Such sweet smiles!!!

  5. Thanks ladies for your kind comments. :)

  6. I love that dimple of hers! mi si ren.

    How time flies isn't it. Soon your little baby will be able to run around.

  7. Thanks E. Yup, she will be walking around in no time. Time really flies!

  8. your girls are so sweet and lovely.

    ya, times really flies, seem only like yesterday u just give birth and now the baby is sitting n smiling so sweetly.

    btw I'm in Kyoto now.

  9. Thanks Peony. Yeah, I have been going to your blog to check for updates and pictures from Japan. :)

  10. Your girls are so adorable! Do you actually gave what you eat to Edda?
    I have a 8 month old boy. He doesn't quite like to eat fruit from the jar. Yesterday i tried to gave him jar pear, he refused to eat. Later, when i was getting ready for my mango, i tried to give him a sip before i took the first bite, he refused to take it but when he saw me eating the mango, then he wanted to eat them as well..

  11. Thanks cocoa. Yes, I do give her a taste of what I eat. I just mashed it into smaller pieces and give it to her. She gladly takes everything. Banana & avocado are very easy, just mashed it with a fork and try give it to him. Did you try pouring the jar pear into a bowl and feed him and see what happen. If he still doesn't want it, it might simply mean he just dislike pear, try other fruit instead.

    At 8 months, he should be able to eat ground pork or soft chicken meat cook in porridge already. Edda already tried some soft chicken meat and pork floss in porridge at 6 months.

  12. Thanks for the great tips. I think my son knows how to use his gum to mash food last couple days. We went to Sam's Club yesterday and i gave him all the sample tried like salmon, juice, and pasta and he was handling them well haa.. i think it's time to get him some finger food.

    I did cook porridge maybe twice a week, yesterday, i put ikan bilis, some pork and some broccoli and used the food processor to grind them ( i usually used the blender to puree them) into mini chunky consistency and he doesn't take it well.. :(

    Sometime i get discourage when he doesn't like to eat my home cook meal :(

  13. You can try adding a little oil on the ikan bilis and microwave it until crispy and process it until fine and add it into his porridge when serving. It will make the porridge more flavorful.

    If he doesn't like porridge, just give him oatmeal with banana and the fruit or veggie that he likes. If you make your own baby fruit/veggie, for the veggie you can also add in some cooked rice and process them together.


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