Saturday, February 17, 2007

Pig Year - Oink! Oink!

Dear readers,

Hereby wishing you and family a Happy and Prosperous New Year and may this pig year brings you health, money and lots of happiness! :o)

Xin Nian Kuai Le &

Gong Xi Fa Cai &

Nian Nian Yo Ye!!

In addition to that, from my house to yours ~ my CNY cookies and goodies. Do help yourself ya!


  1. Wishing YOU and YOUR fAMILY a Happy & Prosperous CNY

    love your CNY goodies but your container more, heehee.
    Nice Fu cut-out too.

  2. happy new year!

    anyway i tried ur sugi & almond cookies (the recipe that just replaces the vanilla extract with almond extract).

    both recipes are very similar but for some reason the almond one turned out MUCH better in terms of texture and taste!

    oh btw i found the dough too dry so i added a bit of water. i wonder why...? was urs dry?

    i loved the recipe cos it doesn't use butter! so it's much healthier (:

  3. Gong Xi Fa Chai to you and your lovely family. Nice bakes! :)

  4. Gong Hei Fai Choi. Sure love to take a bite from your goodies.

  5. Hi belacan
    Love all the things you baked.
    The containers are lovely. Can't seem to find anything like this here.
    Wishing you and your family good health and happiness for the lunar new year :-)

  6. Happy New Year! All your cookies look wonderful!

    PS how many cookies does the pineapple tart recipe yield?

  7. Thanks ladies! :)

    tjiana, mine was not dry. Not sure what happen.

    pinkconfetti, for the small cookie cutter like mine, I made about 125 pieces.

  8. Gong Xi Fa Cai, Ching! Hey I wanna go visiting, so much CNY goodies!..hehehe

  9. Hi I was the one that sent you the link of "kueh apam balik" recipe.
    Don't know if you get it. My contact is Look forward to hearing from you.

  10. Hi Anon,
    Sorry I didn't receive it. I don't remember asking for kueh apam balik recipe, I don't even know what kueh is that. Sorrylah I don't e-mail to Anon. But thanks ya!

  11. Hi, I was the anon. I selected the wrong radio button and there was no option for me to input my name.

    Here is the link to the recipe.
    Don't know why it did not get sent to you. Anyway. Previously I was seeking your "expert" opinion on this recipe as it doesn't work. Have you seen one of this kueh before? Thanks.

  12. Hi pwi,

    Thanks for the link. It looks really yummy, not sure I have seen or tasted it before.

    I am so not an expert. I came here when I was 20 and hardly ever go back. I don't know a lot of things actually. :P

  13. Happy Chinese New Year! Love these goodies!


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