Monday, November 13, 2006

Edda's One Month Pictures

Wahhh...big angpow from Popo (grandma). Thanks ya! *kiss kiss*

Mommy said better take the pictures with two red eggs also, just like big sister.

Okay, okay enough, I'm getting tired and sleepy!

Actually it's one month and a day old, mommy and daddy forgot to take picture on the actual day. Luckily still have some red eggs left. Hehe...


At her one month doc. appointment, she still looked pretty yellow thus the doc. sent her for another blood test. Turned out her bilirubin level was still high so now she is off breast milk and has to eat medicine twice a day until another blood test (this Monday, today) .


Got the result back today. Finally her bilirubin is low enough that she is off medicine and back on complete breastfeeding again! Horray, no more pumping for me! :)


  1. So fast and Edda's a month old flies..And how is Evy taking it all?? Enjoying showing Edda all her toys? :)

    Your confinement recipes are great and simple....:) good to see this type of recipes in the net, not a lot of these around..:)

  2. Yeah, time flies! Evy is taking it fine, just that have to watch her all the times since she will try to feed baby her food!

  3. Cute baby u've got there! Glad to hear that she's all fine and off medication now :)

  4. how time flies, Evy will have a playmate to play with her soon.

  5. Thanks yummie dummies and diddy!

    Edith, yeah, can't wait for that to happen. :)

  6. wow one mth has passed! still remember that day u were gg to give birth soon! Time flies boy!

    Cute little gal! :) and oh, the 1mth celebration food is yummy!

  7. Ching, glad to know she's off medicine now. I love her yawning photo, so cute and adorable! :-))


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