Friday, September 15, 2006

Microwave Muah Chee

I used to make muah chee using the boiling method. It is also easy to make but not as easy as microwave muah chee. I saw this short-cut method posted at kitchencapers a while back and decided to give this a try.

It is definitely easy but the dough can be very sticky and difficult to handle. Taste good though!

Recipe from Gina at KC:

250g glutinous rice flour
375ml water
2 Tbp. shallot oil

Mix (A) in a Pyrex bowl and microwave on High for 7 mins. Cut into tiny pieces using a kitchen scissor and drop it into the peanuts and sugar mixture. Coat well and serve immediately.

250g peanuts, toasted and grind
50g sugar

Mixed (B) together to create peanuts and sugar mixture.

Oops! I think my peanuts is not fine enough, should have processed it more. :P


  1. slurps! I like it the way the peanuts are chunky! Well done! It looks delicious!

  2. Ching,

    Is that toothpick for me to pick your yummy muah chee off the screen ;p

  3. Thanks Juei! :)

    Hahaha...Angie, yes yes, please help yourself. :)

  4. do you need to grease ur pyrex bowl first ?

  5. Jingle,
    No, you don't have to because it already got oil in the flour mixture.

  6. It's was yummy! And I even had 'ta-pow'! Thanks gf!;-)

  7. woah! all of this can be done in under 10 minutes? What a great idea! i love the microwave

  8. You're most welcome, VH! :)

    Yup diddy!, super easy right? Do try it! :)

  9. You gotta love MW!!! I love your muah chee, made it once and I think, like yours, didn't get the peanuts as fine as I want them to be!! Now I have to go make some, am already drooling over your pics!! ehehhehe

  10. Can you post the traditional method of doing the muah chee? The method that uses boiling instead of microwave?

  11. Hi Wendy,

    For the traditional muah chee, I don't have the exact recipe but this is how I do it.

    Take the amount of glutinous rice flour you want and put in a bowl, add in a little water at a time until you can knead into a soft dough. Roll into a log shape and cut into small balls. Roll each into small balls and drop into boiling water. When it float on top, dish out and put into the peanut & sugar mixture. Mix well and serve.

  12. This looks very yummy! When I tried it, the dough tasted raw. :-(

  13. Huh Anon, tasted raw? You just microwave it a big longer and see what happen. Make sures it's well coated with the sugar peanuts mixture, it should be delicious.

  14. hey!! i just tried your way of making muah chee by using microwave! it turns out perfectly nicee!! thank you for such a easy recipe!! =D

  15. Thanks for your feedback Ellie and glad you like it. :)

  16. Thanks for this recipe! My daughter and I enjoyed it very much!

  17. You are welcome Rosie and glad you gals enjoyed it. :)

  18. thanks for your recipe! my muah chee making was a success. so much easier than the boiling method! ^^

  19. You are welcome Jessie and thanks for your feedback. :)

  20. Just read your muah chee recipe. The method of using microwave is very easy! Too bad I don't have any, can be done with oven???

  21. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Works like a charm. Being away from any decent asian food can be quite frustrating, so i look forward to recipes shared online like yours. My son and i just made this, very quick & simple. YUmmy too!! :D
    Regs... Deb

  22. Vivian, sorry I don't think so.

    You're welcome Deb. and thanks for the feedback. :)

  23. thank you for sharing the recipes.
    NOthing like a quick fix when I miss home when living in England. If only all recipes are this easy, tried making spicy shrimp paste, not only there's many steps but the smell flooded the whole house (ventilation in UK sucks) and had to live with it for couple of days. My english husband found the smell ghastly (which he described as smelly socks) but liked the taste though. :) Nice to meet you.

  24. Can u make teach us a simple boiling method of this muah chee, hahaas, i need it for my project 2 more days! (:, hope you can suggest me 1 more chinese snack for my project cause it need to be done 2items in an hour :x, i need help urgently! :(

  25. Jassica,

    You can kill two birds with one stone with this recipe:

    Just make the tang yuan and serve it up two ways, one with Gula Melaka ginger syrup and the other like muah-chi, coated it with toasted ground peanut + sugar.

    Just take a cup of glutinous rice flour, slowly add in some water, stir with a spoon first until slowly you can form it into a pliable dough (you can separate the dough and add color at this point if you want, but keep the white one for muah-chi). Shape into small balls. Boil a pot of water, when boiling, drop the glutinous rice balls in to cook, it's cooked when float on top. Scoop it out, some place in a Gula Melaka ginger syrup and the rest drop them in ground peanut and sugar mixture and roll to coat well.

    For gula melaka syrup, just boil some water, add in the gula melaka and one or two pieces of ginger and boil until gula melaka melted.

    For sugar peanuts, just toast some peanuts or pan-fry the peanuts until crispy and golden brown. Ground it/ pound it and then add in white sugar to taste.

    Good Luck!

  26. thanks for sharing :)
    but if i don't have shallot oil, what's the best substitute ?? pls advise?

  27. Hi Blue, any oil would do if you are too lazy to make your own shallot oil. To make your own shallot oil, just slice the shallot and deep fry it in a neutral oil (canola, or sunflower). Dish out the shallots and you will have the shallot oil.


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