Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Easy Stir-Fried Udon

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Another quick and easy dinner!
Stir fry udon noodle in ketchup, sweet chilli sauce and soy sauce. You can add any ingredients you have in the refrigerator.


  1. ching, this looks really appetizing! :)

  2. Ching, it looks yummy! Now, how come I didn't think of it before. Thks for sharing :-)

  3. when u think your baby is coming out ?? how about your daugther ? mine 1st one - 36 wks premature & 2nd one - 38 weeks ...

  4. Thanks Gracio!

    Thanks Littlehands and you're welcome!

    Janet, Evy is on time at 40 weeks 1 day so I'm guessing this baby will be due on the due date as well. Unless she wants to come during the full moon, as I read full moon will somehow bring on labor. Who knows!

  5. Wow...still going at the kitchen!! :) Your Udon recipe reminds me of Mee Goreng.... I love it! And my boy loves udon noodles...

  6. I love udon!!!!! and yours looks definitely tempting. Another way I do it is give a few dash of teriyaki sauce. yummy too.

  7. noodles is by far my favorite savory dish! Mind if you throw some strands at me? haha! Very yummy looking

  8. Buzz2, I actually was trying to mimic mee goreng. Hehe...

    Edith, thanks for the tips, will try it the next time! :)

    Thanks diddy! You're welcome to feast on the screen! :P

  9. Another inspiration from my gf! Must go and buy some Udon today.;-)

  10. Wah seh...didn't visit your blog for so long (been real busy) and so many delicious food. Yummylicious!!! Keep up the good work!!!


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