Friday, July 01, 2005

Green Tea Buns

I made Green Tea Buns the other day. Just use any basic sweet bun dough recipe and add 1 tsp. of green tea powder into the flours mixture. The green tea flavor is real subtle which is good for those who don't like the smell being too strong. I added mung bean paste as filling just because I have some leftover mung bean paste in the freezer. For stronger green tea flavor, add 2 tsp. green tea powder.


  1. Thanks! I used Red Man green tea powder for baking. Got it at Chang Thung for $9.80 ringgit for a small 28gm bottle.

  2. Just remember to buy some when you are back in M'sia or ask someone to get it for you when they go back or come for a visit or ship it to you. Don't think I can find the baking green tea powder here as well. But that small little bottle can last me for awhile :P hehehe... lazy mah.

  3. hey nice blog. i luv the food! keep it up.. n the food look pro.haha.. :D


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