Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Evy is Walking

Finally my sweet little girl is taking off. She started to take steps at 13.5 months and really walking at 14.5 months. Now at 15 months 1 day, she is walking like a pro. It's just too cute to see her walking around the house. When she wanted to be carried and I was half way preparing dinner and ignored her, she would fuss and walk around the house in frustration. Yeah, even a little girl has attitude!

She loves outdoor so I would take her out to the front & backyards everyday just to let her walk around the lawn. Each time I want to go out I would say to her, "Go grab your shoes at the front door and bring it back here because we are going for a walk." and she would go grab her shoes and bring it over. I even asked her to wear her own shoes! She is just too young to get the concept yet but she sure try, like lifting her feet to let me put the shoe in. :) I really amazed at the things she understood. In just a couple of months, she would really start talking and that would be too cute!


  1. Better still, did you take videos of her walking? I never fail to laugh everytime I see a toddler walk, with pamper-padded bottom. So cute!

  2. They are so ccuuutttee at this stage!! Ethan been "waddling" for the past 3 weeks, it's just so adorable!! Take loads of pics, it's a kodak moment! :D

  3. Pictures yes, video not yet! Will ask my hubby to take some video of her walking in the backyard tomorrow. Oh yeah, totally agreed with Jan on pamper-padded bottom, how cute was that!


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