Friday, June 17, 2016

Caramel Hoen Kwe Water Chestnut Kuih

This Hoen Kwe kuih is refreshing and so easy to make.  This kuih is supposed to be white in color but due to my inexperience or first time cooking using this hoen kwe flour, I sorted caramelized the sugar and resulted in this caramel color kuih.  Tastewise, it was actually a plus because this kuih was fragrant with caramel and soft with the crunch from the water chestnut.  The original recipe from the back of the Hoen Kwe flour tub was too sweet, so I cut the sugar down to 1 cup.  A bit similar to water chestnut kuih but the texture is different.

Pour into a glass container, let cool and refrigerate for at least 4 hours before slicing.


1 container of Hoen Kwe flour
1 cup cane sugar
A pinch of salt
900ml coconut milk
1 can of whole water chestnut, chop into small bite size pieces, set aside


In a large bowl, add in the coconut milk, sugar, salt and hoen kwe flour, turn the heat to medium heat and whisk to combine and thicken.  When it's thicken, remove from heat and add in the water chestnut, mix well and pour into the prepared mold.  Let cool and refrigerate for at least 4 hours.  Enjoy it cold from the fridge!

Note:  I forgot to whisk while cooking and resulted my sugar to be caramelized.  Hence, the caramel color, it's supposed to look white in color.

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