Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Siew York (Baked Pork Belly) with Chive and Onion

I remembered eating the leftover siew york in sweet dark soy sauce when I was little.  It was either a leftover Chinese New Year dish that my late grandma used to make or from my mom.  So, when presented with a leftover siew york or charsiew, I would think of this dish.

You can buy the siew york or char siew at the Asian supermarkets or restaurants, but if you want to make your own, why not?

Sharing my version of sweet dark soy sauce siew york!


Siew York, cut into thin pieces
1/2 yellow onion, thinly sliced
A small bunch of chives, probably about 8, cut into 2 inches length and chopped the bottom part and separate them like picture shown above.
4 cloves of garlic, chopped
Peanut oil for frying

ABC sweet soy sauce
Dark soy sauce
Fish sauce


1.  In a hot wok, pour in some peanut oil, probably 2 Tbsp.  Add in the bottom part of chive and garlic.  Stir-fry for a minute.  Add in onion and give it a few stirs.

2.  Add in the siew york and stir-fry until hot.  Season with sauces.

3.  Add in chives and mix well until chives are cooked.  Dish out and serve hot!

1 comment:

  1. It saves much more time to use store-bought siew yok :)


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