Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Cilantro Pesto Chicken Small Shells

One pot dish that can last for lunch and dinner is an easier way to feed the family.  I would just make sure that I have one protein and lots of vegetable for a well balance diet.  It is really healthy with this pesto too as cilantro can move heavy metal out of your body and you will get the benefits of garlic, pecan, extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil into your body.  Note that I used sea salt and Himalayan salt instead of table salt.  If you are still using the table salt, please google about it and starts making the change.

This dish is really easy and delicious, try it and feedback to me ya!  I would love to hear/read about it!  :)

Recipe for Cilantro Pecan Pesto:

1 bunch of cilantro, washed and rinsed
8 cloves of garlic 
8 half pecans
Extra virgin olive oil
1/4 tsp. Sea salt & 1/4 tsp. Himalayan salt
Black pepper to suit
1/2 tsp. cane sugar

In a food processor, add in the garlic and pecan first, then add in the cilantro. Pour in extra virgin olive oil while processing until smooth.  Stop and add in salts, black pepper and cane sugar, pulse to mix well.  Set aside.


1 packet of small shells, cooked as packet direction and set aside.
1/4 lb Natural ground chicken
1 cup frozen green beans
1 cup frozen peas and carrots
1 tsp. Organic chicken base  (I used Better than Bouillon) 
3 Tbsp. Coconut oil
Cilantro Pecan Pesto


1.  In a large pot in medium heat, add in the coconut oil and let it melt.  Then, add in the ground chicken and sauteed and broken up the ground chicken as you stir.  Stir until chicken is no longer pink.  Then, add in all the frozen veggies. Mix well.

2.  Lastly, add in the cooked small shells and cilantro pecan pesto (from above) and mix well.  Add in the organic chicken base and stir to mix well.  Turn off heat and serve with more black pepper if you like.  Enjoy!


  1. Next time I have almost-wilting cilantro in the fridge I will make pesto:)

    I use Himalayan salt at home.

  2. Wow, the sound of cilantro and pecan pesto is just amazing...something that I truly would enjoy.
    Enjoy the rest of your week Ching :)


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