Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Easy 3 Ingredients Peanut Cookies

I saw this easy 3 ingredients peanut cookie recipe while looking at YouTube on another cookie recipe.  As you know, I am a fan of easy recipes, so of course this recipe caught my eyes and I just had to give it a try.  I made it easier by putting it in a food processor instead of stirring it by hand.  But however, if you don't have a food processor at home then by all mean, just stir it with a spatula in a bowl until a dough is formed.

This cookie is melt in the mouth type and very easy to make, do give it a try!


1 cup peanut butter (chunky or creamy)
1 cup cane sugar
1 large brown egg


Mix all ingredients in a food processor until a dough is formed.  Scoop with a small cookie scoop or shape with your hand into a ball shape and flatten with fork.  Sprinkle the top with sesame seeds.  Put it on lined parchment paper baking sheets.  Bake at preheated 350'F oven for 12-15 minutes, depending on the size of your cookies.


  1. SO easy? BOokmarked! Happy to see no flour...(cos I don't have it)

  2. These look delicious and super fast to make! I will try them out soon! I just discovered your blog and I love it! I have a huge passion for China and love Chinese dishes, I will definitely come here more often for some inspiration to create new dishes :)

    Michela @

  3. Simple is good! It makes eating it even more enjoyable I think! Happy CNY to you!


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