Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Malaysia Yong Tau Fu

When I went back last month to Malaysia, one of the food I wanted to eat was Yong Tau Fu.  My girls enjoyed this tremendously too, they ate whatever I gave them.

My mom said it used to sell for 70 cent each but now the price has increased to $1.20 each.  Since I haven't eaten this in a while, it tasted delicious just liked I used to remember.  My wish was granted thanks to my dearest parents.

Nothing beat the Malaysian food, so many things to eat and try.  I didn't get to eat all the food of course but I tried to eat what I really missed the most.  I will have more delicious food pictures that I ate to share with you, some fancy, some just what I had missed.  Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Malaysian food, oh yeah! Waiting to see what you ate next :)


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