Friday, May 02, 2014

Lemon Poppy Seeds Muffins with Lemon Glaze

I don't know, I love to buy lemon when it's on sale.  And if it is 3 for $1, I would buy 3 instead of 1 even though I only needed one.  Often time when that happen, I have no idea what to do with the lemons.  I just realized that I can just cut it into slices and put it into an air-tight container in the fridge and take each slice out for use in my water (to make it alkaline).

Anyway, for these 2 lemons that I was left with, I decided to make Lemon Poppy Seeds Muffins.  I created this recipe because I want to make it into a recipe that is easy to make and less thing to wash.   No electric appliance needed, just a bowl and a hand whisk!  It turned out soft, lemony and delicious, even my hubby that normally doesn't eat sweet had 3 in a day!  Of course the rest my girls walloped it up, now I will need to buy more lemons to make more of these yummies.

Soft and fluffy with the flavor of lemon and the crunch from the poppy seeds!


2 large eggs
3/4 cup cane sugar  
1/2 cup or 1 stick of butter, melted (microwave for 1 minute)
1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/4 cup almond milk (or milk)
100 gm cake flour
70 gm unbleached all-purpose flour
1/2 Tbsp. baking powder
Lemon zest from 2 lemons
1 Tbsp. blue poppy seeds

1 Tbsp. lemon juice
4 Tbsp. icing sugar


1.  In a large Pyrex bowl, add in the eggs, hand whisk to combine.  Then, add in the cane sugar, whisk until blended.  Then, slowly pour in the melted butter while whisking.  Add in the lemon juice and almond milk, whisk until blended.  Sieve in the cake flour, flour and baking powder.  Whisk until blended. Lastly, add in the lemon zest and poppy seeds, whisk to mix well.

2.  Preheat  your oven to 350'F.  At the meantime, scoop the batter into the paper lined muffin pan, about 3/4 full.

3.  Bake for 22 minutes.  Prepare the glaze by mixing it all together.  Once baked, take it out from the oven and poke holes with a tooth pick.  Pour about 1 tsp. of glaze on top of each muffins.  Let it cool on wire rack completely before storing them into an air-tight container.  Best eaten the next day when the flavor is more settled.

~Yield a dozen muffins.


  1. nice! wish poppy seeds are not banned in SG.

  2. Hahah, same here. I like to buy lemon when it's on sale too but I try to resist from buying three :p
    And if I do have more lemons than I am supposed to have, I add some slices when I bake fish or chicken.

    Also love love Meyer lemons but not always available.

  3. Me too! Another one who buys lemons on sale and then has all these leftover lemons!
    Love the 1 bowl no hand appliance recipe! Minimal washing up!


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