Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Mexican Squash Pancake (Jeon)

When I starts, I couldn't stop!  I have been cooking tons of Korean side dishes lately and I have no idea what's gotten into me.  I made this to bring to a Korean friend's house and just so happen that she was making the exact same thing!!  Down to the same Mexican squash!!  Talk about coincident as zucchini pancake is more common.  I bought this because I have no idea whether the store that sells the zucchini is GMO or non-GMO unless I buy organic, so I picked Mexican squash instead.  I couldn't tell the difference between these two anyway except one is dark green in color.  This is one popular Korean side dish and serve on special festivals.  It is not hard to make at all just the pan-frying part is a bit troublesome.  We all loved this so next time I would have to train my Evy to make this!


3-4 small Mexican squash, washed
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. sea salt
2 large eggs


1.  Thinly slice the squash diagonally.

2.  Add the sea salt into the flour, mix well.

3.  Add the eggs into a bowl, beat well.

4.  Heat a non-stick pan with some oil, medium heat.  Then, coat the squash with flour mixture and then dip into the eggs and place on the pan.  Do a few at a time and pan-fry until golden brown on both sides.  Drain on paper towel.  Finish the rest of the squash.

5.  You can serve this with soy sauce, Korean bean paste sauce, Thai sweet chili sauce or any condiment you like.


  1. Mexican squash? What does a Mexican squash look like? Don't think I've ever seen them on this side of the world. The 'pancakes' look really nice and crunchy!

  2. I don't think I have seen Mexican squash. Maybe it was there but I thought it was zucchini? :O

  3. I can see why these are addictive...they look delicious...I will have to try this recipe soon.
    Hope you are having a great week Ching :D

  4. I know I will love these dipped in chilli sauce!


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