Monday, March 24, 2014

Toast Pizza

I saw this Pizza using bread in someone blog before, but couldn't really remember where (Maybe Tigerfish?).  I have also seen pizza using tortilla and pita bread.  It just so many lazy and easy variation out there these days, and some even made dessert pizza.  I made this for my girls' school lunchbox.  I wanted to give them a different variety of lunch boxes instead of the same old thing.  So, I toast it and make it looks like mini pizza instead of making it into a sandwich.  

This was made in a different day without the spinach and cooked chicken breast.  All packed in their lunch box.  They preferred it this way instead of wrapping it in foil.  I would add a cutie into their lunch box too.

Ingredients as shown above:  Organic bread, cheese, butter, uncured turkey bacon, cooked and shredded chicken breast, organic ketchup and organic power greens.

To make the Toast Pizza:   Spread the bread with butter and add a thin layer of ketchup.  Then, top with greens or spinach, then some shredded turkey bacon and chicken breast.  Lastly, top it all with shredded cheese and toast it in the toaster oven for 6 minutes.  It was delicious eaten it warm from the toaster oven.


  1. Healthy and simple to make! I always struggle for interesting ideas for lunch - this one will come in handy!

  2. That's a great idea! So easy instead of having to make or use pizza dough. Would love to try it!

  3. Using toast as a pizza crust is a great the simplicity and the versatility of it.
    Hope you are having a great week Ching :D

  4. great idea! looks quick, easy and delicious.


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