Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Slow Cooker Whole Chicken

This is one SUPER DUPER easy slow cooker whole chicken recipe.  All you need are two ingredients, one whole chicken and a packet of Emperor Chicken spice mix.  In your slow cooker, add in the washed whole chicken, pour the Emperor Chicken spice mix on top of the chicken and give it a good rub to cover all sides of the chicken.  Put it breast side up and turn it to High for 5 hours.  When the internal temperature register as 180'F, it is done.  Soft and tender that it will be easily tear off with your hand.

A tip I learned from my friend's mom, to prevent the cover from moving, stick a piece of white paper in between the cover and the crock pot as shown.  It prevents the moving and  thus the noise and the sprinkling of water on the countertop.


  1. Can I double confirm that you are just using those normal slow cooker bcoz usually for emperor chicken, we will wrap up with the wrapper included in the pkt and steam it. Ermm... this is a new method and I will try it.

  2. Hi Jaslin, yes just the normal slow cooker. It's my lazy turn it on and leave it method. See how much the juices came out of the chicken!

  3. What a wonderful idea! That really saves the hassle of wrapping the chicken and watching the steamer :)

  4. Do I need to put in a bit of water so the bottom part won't get burn ?

  5. Thanks Phong Hong. :)

    Hi Kathy, I didn't add any water as the chicken will release its juices while cooking.

  6. This looks like a super easy meal to do! Great idea with the bit of paper!

  7. Look's easy. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Fantastic idea!! We love the Emperor Chicken but hated the steaming for 2 to 3 hours, watching fire and topping water. We will definitely try this, thanks😁

  9. amazing photos and wonderful


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