Sunday, January 05, 2014

Sweet & Spicy Tuna Arugula Pasta

I can't believe I made a mistake of buying a vegetable!  I was trying to pick up a bunch of organic spinach and some how mistook the organic arugula as the spinach.  Interestingly, even the cashier thought it was the organic spinach and charged me that.  So, I was clueless until the next day when I decided to wash my spinach.  When I took it out, it smelled different and then when I looked at the leaves, I realized it looked different and then when I checked the tag, it read organic arugula.  WOW!  What a surprise there as I never bought arugula before and frankly not too sure of how to cook it.  So, I searched online and found a recipe that I wanted to try and thought it would taste good.  So, this recipe was inspired by Simply Recipes.  I changed it a little bit to what I had at home at that time and it turned out delicious.  You all should try it too!
Even my husband took a second helping!

Simple and delicious!  Guess next time I can add arugula into my shopping list as I took some to make kimchi fried rice and it was good as well.  I stir-fried the rest with olive oil, chili flakes and sea salt.  How do you normally cook with arugula? 


Few handful of arugula, 4 cloves of garlic-chopped, few shakes of red pepper flakes, 1 packet of thin spaghetti-cook as packet direction-reserved some pasta water, drained and set aside, 2 StarKist Tuna Creations sweet & spicy tuna pouches, 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil, sea salt and crushed black pepper.


In a hot large skillet, add in the extra virgin olive oil, garlic and chili flakes, stir until garlic is slightly brown.  Add in the sweet and spicy tuna from the tuna pouched.  Break the tuna apart and stir it around.  Add the thin spaghetti and arugula and mix it well together.  Add a little pasta water if needed.  Season to taste with sea salt and black pepper.  Serve hot!


  1. Looks delicious this pasta dish...and simple to make.
    Happy New Year and have a great week ahead :D

  2. I love light tasting pastas like this! the arugula does look like spinach leaves.

  3. I enjoy arugula in salads, stir-fries and even steamed! They are good in pizzas too! Hmmm, I guess you can use them like any other vegetable except they are kinda peppery and may overpower other mild-tasting ingredients if used too much in quantity.

  4. Aww...what a lovely mistake it was then, LOL! A mistake turned into a wonderful recipe, I salute you!
    Guess this will be your newfound home recipe from now on!
    Great job, wished I could turn my mistakes into divine dishes like these...or have better skills in the kitchen, LOL!
    Happy New Year to you!~ :-)

  5. Looks really good! Nice mistake then, huh? I've only had Arugula in salads.


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