Friday, July 26, 2013

Enoki Mushroom as a Side

We always add enoki mushroom in the end of cooking or in soup or hotpot.  We hardly eat it as a side dish.  One day, I just had a different idea and trying to play it as a side dish and the above was my experiment.  Since enoki mushroom cooked quickly, so I blanched it in boiling water and set it on a plate.  Then, I pour some Kikkoman teriyaki sauce on top and sprinkle it with toasted sesame seeds and some cilantro.  Mix it to serve. 

Luckily my family ate it without any complaint as I was worry that they might not use to this way of eating the enoki mushroom.  If you want to try a different way of serving the enoki mushroom, you can try this.

What is your creative way of serving up the enoki mushroom besides in soup?


  1. i love enoki mushroom, too. so is my family
    I shall give this a try
    usually I just dump into soup or stir fry

  2. Hi,i would like to suggest u can cook enoki mushroom like making prawn fritters. Replace prawns with enoki mushroom. Its lovely n kids would love it. Give it a try

  3. ivy sew http://simplybeautifulhealthyliving.blogspot.comJuly 27, 2013 11:32 PM

    At a glance, I thought it was 'chee cheong fan', hahaha.... Very good idea to serve this as a side dish, easy and healthy :)

  4. Hi lclim, thanks for your suggestion, it sounds delicious, will give it a try. :)

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  6. I put mine in steam fish :)

  7. Such a brilliant way to cook enoki! Gonna steal this recipe! Thanks!


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