Saturday, May 18, 2013

Spicy Miso Buckwheat Noodle Soup

I loved this Taiwanese cooking show called "食在有健康", not only it teaches us what food to eat to make us healthier, it also uses that food and teaches us how to cook it.  I think the featured food here is mushroom.  I like that the chefs in that show always managed to create yummy food with easy cooking method.  I also like their theme 食在有健康, 健康!  Meaning eat healthy food so that you will have good health.  I agreed with it whole heartedly that's why I am a big fan of that show.

Recipe adapted from 食在有健康 Taiwanese cooking show.

Ingredients for the spicy miso paste base for any noodle soup or soup:

2 Tbsp. ground toasted peanuts
1 Tbsp. minced garlic
1 Tbsp. gochujang (Korean chili pepper paste)
3 Tbsp. white miso paste
2 Tbsp. cane sugar
1 Tbsp. sesame oil

Mix all the ingredients together to make a paste.  Keep refrigerated until ready to use.  Should be able to make 6 bowls of noodle soup.  You can make the paste ahead of time and refrigerated it and use it whenever you have a craving for noodle soup.

For cooking:

In a pot, add in some oil.  Add in minced ginger, mushroom and woodear.  Stir-fry well.  Add in veggie of your choice and chicken stock/ vegetable stock/ water. You can add any ingredients that you like at this point, for me all sort of fish balls. Then, add in the spicy miso paste via a small sieve (add the paste into the sieve and put the sieve in the soup half way and use a spoon to smear the miso into the soup via the sieve).  Use any noodle of your choice, cook it, drain it and place in a bowl.  Add the soup with ingredients, garnish with toasted sesame seeds and lots of chopped scallion.  Drizzle with chili oil (if you like it spicier), a little sesame oil and white pepper.  Serve warm!


  1. Sounds like a good show! This is a great noodle soup with some kick!

  2. I need to check out that cooking show! I miss Taiwanese food. Mushrooms are the bomb, thanks for sharing this recipe.

  3. I need to check this show, now I only watch cooking show no more drama , hehehe...the paste sound very versatile , thanks for sharing.


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