Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Flaxseed and Chia Seeds Waffles

You know I make my own bread/buns for breakfast right?  Sometimes I will make muffins or waffles as they freezes well.  My old waffle recipes used oatmeal and since I no longer buy oatmeal, I tried out a new recipe here.  I added flax and chia seeds simply because I have some in my pantry.  Next time I would buy the ground flaxseed  instead of  the whole flaxseed since it is easier for our bodies to digest.  (Update: I grounded my flaxseeds using a food processor and store it in a Ziploc bag in the freezer.)

I served my waffle with butter and Malacca palm sugar syrup and it was so delicious.  My girls asked me to make another batch of waffles after we are finished with this because they loved it a lot.  I used chocolate chips for them and raisins for us.

~Makes about 12 waffles.


2 large cage free brown eggs
1 1/2 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
1 cup organic stone ground whole wheat flour
1/2 cup old fashioned rolled oats
4 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 tsp. salt
6 Tbsp. brown cane sugar
1 3/4 cup organic milk
1/2 cup oil or melted butter
2 Tbsp. flaxseed
1 Tbsp. (or 2 Tbsp.) chia seeds

Optional topping:  raisins, dried cranberries or semi-sweet chocolate chips.


Mix everything in a large bowl except topping.  Preheat the waffle maker.  Spray it with cooking oil.  Add 4 small cookie scoops onto the waffle iron and arrange some topping on top.  Close the lid and let it cook for 5-6 minutes.  Take it out with a chopstick and let cool on a wire rack and finish the rest.  

Serve with butter and your favorite syrup.  I served mine with butter and Gula Melaka/ Malacca palm sugar syrup, so delicious!


  1. Wow, the batter of this waffle looks great, I love all the different "flours" in it...a perfect breakfast.
    Hope you are having a wonderful week Ching :)

  2. ooh homemade waffles sound wonderful. Love that they are healthy too.

  3. I love waffles! The last time I had it was with ice-cream :)

  4. Brilliant! I wish I had a waffle iron, but I imagine this would make good pancakes, too.

  5. Super healthy way to indulge!

  6. That sounds super duper healthy. I feel healthier already just reading the recipe!

  7. So good that your girls love them as flax and chia seeds are good for us.


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