Monday, February 04, 2013

Chai Hsin with Shiitake Mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms, a symbol for longevity in Asia, and also for sizing opportunities in the new year.  Green vegetable symbolizes close family ties, so this is an auspicious dish to serve in the Chinese New Year.  Another easy way of serving delicious greens for your CNY menu.  Of course if you can't find the fresh Shiitake mushroom, you can also use the dried one (might have to adjust the cooking time).

* I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover*


  • 9 fresh Shiitake mushrooms, rinsed
  • 1 bunch of Chai Hsin, washed and rinsed
  • 3/4 cup Chicken broth
  • 1 Tbsp. Oyster Sauce


1.  Heat up a saucepan with water.  Add a little sea salt and oil.  When boiling, add chai hsin in batches to blanch it.  Arrange on a plate.

2. Heat up your wok.  Add chicken stock and let it boil.  When boiling, add in the mushrooms and oyster sauce.  Turn the heat to simmer.  Cover and let the mushrooms cook in the chicken broth.

3.  Uncover after about 5-10 minutes and arrange the mushroom on the veggie.  You can thicken the sauce further if it is not thicken enough.  Then, pour the sauce on the mushrooms and veggie.  Serve hot!


  1. Love this dish! It has got greens and mushrooms :) and meets my criteria of nutritious, healthy, tasty.

  2. Indeed! Those mushrooms you have look huge and lovely- japanese variety? Very auspicious.

  3. Tis is s good idea, i was looking for an easy vege dish for cny dinner, and this will be perfect, thanks!

  4. Happy New Year! I love shiitake mushroom and Chinese broccoli. I can probably eat this everyday and never get tire of it. thanks for sharing!


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