Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Avocado Milkshake

We all know that avocado has the good fat that would help in reducing heart disease.  But how often do we eat avocado anyway?  Hardly for me as I have no idea what to do with it except to eat it with a little sugar sprinkle on it, top it with salad (but we hardly eat salad) or make it into guacamole.  Then, I saw Phong Hong Bakes's Avocado Milkshake with chocolate sauce and according to her, it was delicious.  So, when shopping at Sprouts recently, I saw that the avocado was on sales for 3 for $1, it's just too cheap to pass it up.  Hence, I bought some to give this milkshake a try.  I was surprised at how rich and creamy this milkshake was and definitely yummy with the chocolate sauce.  It was very filling too, perhaps a smaller glass for dessert or serve it as breakfast or light lunch.

Recipe adapted from Phong Hong Bakes.


2 ripe avocados
240ml milk
1 cup crushed ice
Chocolate sauce (I used chocolate hazelnut spread, just microwave until soft)


1.  Cut each avocado in half, remove seed and scrape flesh into a blender.

2.  Add milk and crushed ice.  Blend until fine and smooth.

3.  Pour into prepared glass and serve with a generous amount of chocolate sauce.

* For healthier alternative, omit chocolate sauce and add some honey while blending *


  1. I love avocados. Thanks for recipe. I can't wait to try it.

  2. Haha, me too! I also bought avocado when it was so cheap 4 for $1 in Sprouts. I usually use it as "spread" for toast then add other ingredients (cucumber, hard boiled eggs etc) as sandwich filling :)

  3. This is one of my favourite ways to eat avocado! it is so simple to make too! I usually add honey, but once I tried it with some left-over gula melaka syrup...very nice!

  4. Hah! It's yummy right? With chocolate hazelnut spread it will taste even better, I must try that when I see avocados.

  5. I saw this on Ph's blog also and wanted to make it. Usually i justnadd homemade yogurt andmhoney :)

  6. Over here at hawker stalls, we have avocado blended w gula Melaka.
    We like this!

  7. I love avocados and love this shake from local vietnamese shops!! Got to try this at home- and I like it that you added hazelnut chocolate spread!!! Good idea!

  8. Wow great! Next time when it's on sales again, I will buy some to make it with gula melaka syrup. Great tip! Thanks ladies. :)

  9. 3 for $1?! here, $1 each is considered sale price. unfair, lol. I like avocado milk shake with gula melaka (SEA version).

  10. this drink also a famous drink in Bali..


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