Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Green Tea Buns

My previous green tea buns recipe has bread improver in it and I know that a lot of people have no access to bread improver.  I stopped using bread improver few years back as I have no idea what was in it.  So, sharing with you here another recipe that has straight forward ingredients list with no bread improver or bread softener.  It is basically a Haiji white buns recipe with added green tea powder.  I like to use this recipe as a base and create other variation of bread recipes.  Enjoy!


  • 400ml milk
  • 2 Tbsp. butter, cut into smaller pieces
  • 4 tsp. granulated white sugar
  • 3 1/2 cups bread flour
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. Redman green tea powder
  • 2 tsp. instant yeast

Filling:  Red bean paste (used here but not shown in pic.) or any filling that you like for example cream cheese, lotus paste, coconut, nutella, etc.


1.  Add according to list in the bread maker.  Scoop a dent with your finger on the right side of the mixture and put in the instant yeast.  Turn the bread maker to "Dough" function and let it does it's job.  The dough shape should be formed in the bread maker.

2.  After it's done,  pour the dough out.  Cut into 2.  Shape one side into a log shape and cut into smaller pieces (around 9-10 pieces).  Flatten each ball and add in some red bean paste filling, seal it and roll into ball.  Finish the rest, do the same with the other half dough.

3.  Let it prove for the 2nd time whether in the oven or on your kitchen counter for an hour or until double in size.

4.  Preheat oven to 375'F.  Brush the buns with egg white and sprinkle some white sesame seeds on top.

5.  Bake for 12 minutes.  Let cool on wire rack completely before storing in an air-tight container.  Should be able to keep for 3 days at room temperature.


  1. hhhmmm this is one flavour only me in the family will enjoy, unfortunately
    i love anything with green tea but not hubby and kids
    however, i should try this next time - just for me :)

  2. Oh, those buns look like my kinda buns!! Love the color and the subtle flavors.

  3. These buns look great, light and fully, like the idea of green tea in it.
    Thanks for this recipe and hope you are having a great wonderful week :)

  4. Your green tea buns are so perfectly round and big, as good if not better than in the bakeries here :)....must be tasting so good for tea time too!

  5. These green tea buns look delicious. I love how they have the slightest hint of green, and that you add filling for more flavor. I really struggle with the taste of green tea, my taste buds hate it. I always try to mix it with other herbal tea or fruit to disguise flavor. So I'm on the lookout for ideas and recipes in hopes that I can still gain its great benefits. Thanks for the recipe!


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