Saturday, June 30, 2012

Pancakes from Scratch!

I used to make pancake from a box because I didn't know better.  When I started into baking, I started to wonder, why make it from a box (I don't want to name it here but all who made it from a box should know the brand name) when it's actually very easy to make from scratch as my pantry already have all the ingredients?  This recipe is a keeper recipe for me, never from a box again.

My girls were bugging me to make pancakes for them.  So, pancake is an occasional treat for them as they loved it.  I served it with cinnamon sugar and pure honey as I was out of maple syrup.  I could probably make my own brown sugar syrup to go with it too eh? 

Soft, light, fluffy and delicious pancakes from scratch!  

Serve with milk coffee and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar and honey.

Recipe was from submitted by Dakota Kelly.  I high recommended this recipe.  All I did difference was reduced the salt to 1/2 tsp and added 1 tsp. of pure vanilla extract.

How my batter looks like, 1/4 cup batter for each pancake, yield about 11.5 pancakes.

Ready to flip over

Nice!  As you can see I didn't even spray my pan with oil.


  1. Sound like a good recipe , fluffy and good ! We like to enjoy with maple syrup.

  2. Oh my! It looks fluffly and light. Would love to have a few with berries and maple syrup!! oh oh and ice cream LOL

  3. I'm a big fan of making pancakes from scratch! These look nice and fluffy. Can I have 2 with maple syrup please?

  4. I never really like pancakes, so lucky for me cos I don't have to make it - box or from scratch! :P

  5. wa wa wa! looks so fluffy! makes me wanna make pancakes this weekend :D

  6. Oh! The pancakes look light and fluffy...I sure enjoy having pancakes once in a while :)
    Hope you are having a great week!

  7. delicious! I agree! Home-made stuffs are much better.

  8. I have to admit that I am depended on the pancake mix but after seeing your post, I am in for making the same by itself.

    I would love to try this puffy pancakes with some slice bananas for brunch or after dinner meal.

  9. We love pancakes with maple syrup and crispy bacon. Yumm!

  10. I would love to try this recipe. I have been searching for a pancake recipe that I can really keep forever. You know the kind that I can pass on to my little girl (who by the way, spends a lot of time in the kitchen...) and my daughter's daughter. Looks perfect! Will try this for breakfast asap! =)

  11. Tempting pancakes! Would love to grab some now...:)

  12. I made these for my missus for her birthday last weekend. Over here in the UK we don't really do pancakes like that. A bit of bacon and some maple syrup drizzled over the top. She went nuts. Thank you.


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