Sunday, June 24, 2012

Fast Kimchi

I admitted lots of time that I don't fancy kimchi.  I guess the kimchi that I tasted before were aged kimchi and too sourish or pungent for me.  However recently I tried a kimchi that was not too sourish and it was okay for me, in fact I quite liked it.  I have been reading a lot about the benefits of eating kimchi and since finding that there was a kimchi that I liked, I really wanted to make it myself because I could adjust the seasonings.

Kimchi is fermented vegetable that said to promote intestinal health by feeding the friendly bacterias that live in your intestines.  It nourishes them so that they can out number the bad bacteria that find their way into the gut.  Thus promotes gut health and increase your overall immune system.  It is also anti-oxidant and rich in Vitamin C and carotene.  You can do a search on the Internet to read more about the benefits of eating kimchi if you are interested in learning more.

This is a fast kimchi because I don't fancy aged kimchi.  I added sugar because I liked it sweet.  I also don't want to make too much because I am the only one that consume this in my household and also I don't like to keep it for too long in the refrigerator, even though kimchi should be able to keep for a very long time.  It turned out well for me and I couldn't resist to eat a little bit during lunch and dinner times.  I guess it won't last long in my fridge.


  • 1 small napa cabbage (or half large)
  • 1 Tbsp. sea salt or kosher salt or salt
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 Tbsp. Korean chili powder (can add 1 Tbsp. more if you like it spicy)
  • 2 Tbsp. white cane sugar
  • 1 Tbsp. fish sauce
  • 3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 inch piece of ginger, minced
  • 2 scallions, thinly julienned


1.  In a big cutting board, cut the napa cabbage lengthwise into half and then quarter.  Take one quarter, cut out the bottom hard cored and then cut it into 1 inch slices.  Finish the rest.

2.  Rinse the cut napa cabbage under running water, wash it.  Then, put in a large Pyrex bowl or glass bowl.   Dissolve the salt under the water and pour on top of the napa cabbage, mix well.  Let it sit for an hour, mix again and let it sit for 2 more hours.  You can leave it overnight if you want.

3.  Pour the salt water into a bowl, reserve it.  Then rinse the wilted napa cabbage again.  Squeeze dry or as best as you can.

4.  Place in the glass bowl, add in minced garlic and ginger, julienned scallion and fish sauce, sugar and chili pepper.  Wear a glove and mix well together.

5.  Place the mixture into a glass container or glass jar.  Pour the reserved salt water in.  Leave about 1.5-inch space between the cover.  Let it ferment at room temperature for at least 2 days.  You will see bubbling on 1 to 2nd day (depending on your room-temperature), fermentation is in the works.  You can then refrigerate it, if you don't want it to be too sourish.

~Good for kimchi as banchan, kimchi tofu soup, kimchi fried rice, kimchi pancakes and etc.

Note:  You can make half of the amount if you just want a little bit to try.


  1. I love kimchi but it's hard to find a nicely balanced in flavour one! Home-made is best!

  2. you had me at fast & small portion! i so wanna try this!

  3. I love kimchi and we sure must have it at Korean restaurants. I have not made kimchi at home but your pics looks so tempting and I need to give a hand to this recipe.

  4. If I do this, I will do small batch also since only me and my daughter like. Love your simple recipe, not many ingredients, I shall try out soon.

  5. Kimchi...yum! I would love to have some of this in my fridge. So tasty!
    Hope you have a wonderful week and thanks for the recipe :)

  6. I find kimchi served in Korean eateries/restaurants too salty for me most of the times! If only I had homemade ones... ... ...

  7. Thanks Puan Ros.

    I agreed Anh, at least we make it according to our own flavor.

    Rita, you can half the amount too if not too many people eat it. ;)

    Hope you like it Nava, can add more chili powder if you like it spicier.

    Hope you like it Sonia. I like mine simple and fast. :P

    You're welcome Juliana. I added some in my Korean ramen this afternoon, so good!

    Tigerfish, go make, go make, my recipe very easy only! Good for our gut!

  8. OH! I made my own kimchi before. It was horrible. Unfortunately, I'm not made for these! Yours sure look much more trustworthy!

  9. Had NO idea of these benefits of Kimchi. We do not handle spicy foods well, but if the seasoning can be adjusted I am loving those health benefits. Thank you!

    The Saturday Evening Pot

  10. I also don't fancy aged kimchi. It's such a good idea to DIY your version. Will bookmark it.

  11. My father in law would love this Ching! It's one of his favourite although my hubby don't like it! I bet home made is always fresher and less salty!

  12. Pencil, you can try half of the amount and see whether you like this.

    Hi Anne, actually you can omit the chili powder if you can't stay spicy. And still enjoying the benefits. :)

    Hope you like it F4T.

    Daphne, my hubby and girls don't like kimchi too. My friends from out of state are here and they liked it so I made more to give it to them.

  13. I found this post though Pinterest. The photo was so beautiful that I just had to come here to read the recipe! And I am so glad I stopped by - love your site!
    I would like to invite you to share your recipes on a new photo based recipe sharing site that launched in May. The idea is simple: all photographs are published within minutes of submission. And, of course, the images link back to the author's site. It's called RecipeNewZ (with Z) -
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