Monday, March 19, 2012

Easy Crimini Mushroom in Asian Sauce

Mushrooms have been in the spot light especially in health books, magazines and health food store.  It is a fungus that packed with nutrient powerhouses.  It is an excellent source of selenium, a potent antioxidant that fight off damaging free radicals, and thus anticancer.  The dried Shiitake mushroom is said to reduce high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and protection against breast cancer.

You can easily find the dried Shiitake mushroom at any Asian supermarket.  It is cheaper at Asian market since shiitake mushrooms has been a staple in our Asian cuisines.  Since mushroom is one of the health-boosting and anti-inflammation foods, I would make sure I cook it at least once a week.  The above is fresh crimini mushroom that I bought at Sunflower Market.  I read that when crimini mushroom matures, it becomes portobello mushroom.  Crimini mushroom is sometimes called baby portobello.  I love the texture of this mushroom, it's firmer than the white button mushroom.  I would eat a wide range of different mushrooms and not limiting myself to one or two to fully benefit from it.


  • 8-10 crimini mushrooms, rinse (I still prefer to quickly rinse it, you can wipe it if you prefer it this way) and thinly slice like above picture
  • 1 Tbsp. LKK seasoned soy sauce for seafood (can substitute with soy sauce and a touch of sugar)
  • 1/4 cup filtered water


1.  In a saute pan, when slightly warm, add in sliced mushroom.  Quickly saute it without oil to let it sweat (to preserve the fragrant of the mushroom).  You can cover with lid or don't.   Let the mushroom cook.

2.  Add the seasoned soy sauce for seafood and water and let the mushroom simmer in this sauce for a second. Dish out and serve hot!


  1. I still have balance of shiitake mushroom from the hamper received on CNY. I did try out a couple of recipe but not yet this simple one like yours. Will make with soy sauce for am not sure whether the sauce you used can be found here.

    The sauce will do good for over the bowl of rice.

  2. This sauce looks perfect!! Love mushrooms - always so tasty and meaty.

  3. Mushrooms are my favorite! I love how simple this dish is

  4. I love mushrooms! This sounds like a delicious, simple way to prepare them! I'll have to try it out. Great recipe!

  5. I like mushrooms too and have been trying to include mushrooms at least once every week in our meals. Last week, I did a stir-fry of oyster mushrooms with vegetables! I prefer fresh shiitake mushrooms to dried version but I find they don't come cheap. Fresh crimini is definitely a good alternative.

  6. I haven't made like this looks wonderful

  7. I love mushrooms too! They are a must-have food in my fridge as they are so flavourful, versatile in cooking and nutritious too.

  8. yum! One of my favourite vegetables at all time!!! Mushrooms! I love all kinds. Yours look so simple and quick to do as well which is perfect as a side.

  9. Mushrooms! They are so versatile aren't they?


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