Sunday, January 29, 2012

Pan-Fried Stuffed Lotus Roots

Eating lotus root is auspicious for Chinese as we believed that eating it during Chinese New Year will foster the grow of your new venture or business.  When I saw this dish on Chinese T.V. cooking show, I thought that it would be perfect for Chinese New Year.  And then I saw a similar dish at a Taiwanese cooking show, was it asking me to make it?  Haha...  Anyway, it looked delicious and I couldn't wait to try it myself.  Sharing here is my version.  I served it with a sauce so that the stuffed lotus root remain crispy.  A bit time consuming to make this but the result is well worth the effort.

Today is also 人日.  The 7th day of Chinese New Year and also everyone birthday.  祝大家人日快乐!! This day people normally celebrate it with longevity noodle, tang yuen (glutinous balls), yee sang (raw fish salad) and another great feast!

Crispy stuffed lotus root drizzled with scallion garlic soy sauce.  Click next for the step-by-step pictures guide.

I am also sharing this recipe with Aspiring Bakers #15: Auspicious Dishes for CNY hosted by Wen's Delight.  The deadline for submission has been extended to Feb 6th, the last day of CNY.  So go see the roundup on the 7th!  :-)

1.  Peel and wash the lotus root.  Thinly slice like picture above.  Butterfly it thinly, be careful of your fingers.

2.  Then, put in a bowl of salted water to prevent it from turning dark.

2.  Get ready your filling.  You can use any filling that you like.  I used my leftover ground pork chives filling from making my dumplings/ jiao zhi.

3.  Take one lotus root and fill the opening with the filling, flatten the filling and close it.

4.  Coat both side of the stuffed lotus root with cornstarch.

5.  Pan-fry in medium heat until golden brown and the filling is cooked.  Drain on paper towel and serve with scallion garlic soy sauce.  You can serve the sauce on the side or pour the sauce and mix it with the stuffed lotus roots.


  1. I have heard about this snack item so many times including this time. Is this asking me to try making it? Hahah!

    have a great 人日.!

  2. oh man, that snack is much better than celery and carrot sticks!

  3. Nice dish! Love the combination! It can a yummy finger food or a dish to eat with rice. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Oh! I love lotus root, and I love how you stuffed them...looks delicious with ground pork in it. Beautiful dish!
    Have a great week :)

  5. Hi, I just discovered your blog and I'm instantly in love. I'm from Singapore and so many of your recipes remind me of my hometown. I love so many of your recipes like pandan cake, fried nian gao and so many more. Thank you so much for sharing all these! -Lei

  6. Haha Tigerfish, only if you really want to know how it tasted like. But since you hardly pan-fry, I guess it's pretty dim eh?

    Me too Smoky Wok!

    Definitely Daphne.

    You're welcome Wen.

    Thanks Juliana.

    Great to have you on board Lei! :)

  7. Oh yummm!!! Stuffed lotus root! What a fantastic idea. I ate lotss sugar coated lotus roots during CNY hols hehehe. Now fat max ;)

  8. I think I should try this, look tasty.

  9. Gong Xi Fa Cai ! Just have time to visit you after Pai Tin Kong, hehehe.. I only know to add lotus root in mixed veggie dish and boil the soup, this way of preparing sound so yummy, must try one day.


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